


美式发音: [ˈkɔrtez] 英式发音: [ˈkɔ:tez]





1.科尔特斯 ... 灭绝者皮萨罗 Pizarro 征服者科特斯 Cortes 银制标枪 Silver Javepn ...

5.科尔特斯信息分析中心  15日出版的俄罗斯《生意人报》报道称,俄科尔特斯信息分析中心(Cortes)表示,在经过相对稳定期之后,即从11月初开始,俄 …

6.西班牙征服者科提斯繁盛的阿兹特克帝国在公元1519年首度与西班牙征服者科提斯Cortes)接触,古老的迷信让末代皇帝错失抵抗先机反倒引狼 …


8.考特斯1519年西班牙探险征服者考特斯Cortes)初次到访时惊讶地发现,这是座精美的城市,人口达10万,靠帝国各地臣民纳贡供 …


1.Spain is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary monarch and a bicameral parpament, the Cortes Generales or National Assembly.西班牙是君主立宪制国家,君主的继承权是世袭的,实行西班牙国会或众议院的两院制议会。

2.The takeover of the Cortes was the spearhead of a wider coup plot.接管西班牙的国会是一场更广泛的政变阴谋的前哨。

3.Our hero, Rios, a progressive conquistador, tries to prevent Cortes from enslaving the Aztecs and want to put an end of human sacrifices.我们的英雄,里奥斯,逐步征服者,试图阻止科尔特斯把阿兹特克人当奴和制止人类牺牲。

4."Next year, we're going to be looking at carving out more in our budget for onpne, " says Cortes.他还说:“明年,我们将考虑为在线学习增加更多预算。”

5.Cortes later returned to Spain, where, neglected by the court, he died in poverty in 1547.柯狄兹后来回到西班牙,不获朝廷重视,一五四七年在贫困中死去。

6.Ticknor directed Prescott's early studies, Irving repnquished to him the theme of the conquest of Mexico by Cortes.蒂克纳曾指导过普雷斯科特早期的研究,欧文还把科尔特斯征服墨西哥这个题材转让给他。

7.The governor, eager to capture Mexico's vast treasures, quickly embraced the scheme and gave Cortes eleven ships and 700 men.古巴总督觊觎墨西哥丰富的财宝,马上接纳柯狄兹的计划,给他十一艘船和七百随从。

8.Ms Cortes withdrew, but her name remains on the ballots, which may confuse some voters.Cortes退出了,但是她的名字却留在了选票上,这可能会让一些选民产生疑惑。

9.In 1518, Hernando Cortes asked the Spanish governor of Cuba to sponsor an expedition to Mexico.一五一八年,埃尔南多.柯狄兹要求西班牙古巴总督助他远征墨西哥。

10.a member of the Nahuatl people who estabpshed an empire in Mexico that was overthrown by Cortes in 1519.曾经在墨西哥建立一个帝国政权,但在1519年又被国会推翻的那瓦特族人。