




1.通常情况下 D、understands 正常情况下,使役动词 D、would go 通常情况下, C、 when D、 where 35、36两题纯粹是考查常识性的 …

2.过去将来时 一般将来时 will go 过去将来时 would go 现在进行时 am/is/are going ...


1.he looked at me, and I knew that he knew who I was. And then he closed his eyes as if he would go to sleep.他看着我,我知道他一定知道我是谁,然后他闭上了他的眼睛,就像他睡着了一样。

2.I remember I would go to bathroom and there's a man you know standing with a gun next to me, which makes it pretty hard to pee.我记得我去上厕所的时候,有一哥们拿着枪就站在我身边,整的我都尿不出来了。

3.But Tyner said the cobs and husks of corn used to make ethanol would go on to be used for animal feed.但是,Tyner认为,除了生产乙醇的玉米粒之外,玉米芯和玉米皮还可以用作动物饲料。

4.Following the ICJ verdict, it would go back to the General Assembly and ask for a resolution demanding fresh talks on Kosovo's status.国际法庭的裁决出炉后,它将重新诉诸联合国大会,要求进行新的决议谈判来探讨科索沃的法律地位。

5."While a few years ago, maybe $75-$80 of every new $100 in reserves would go into dollar assets, now possibly only $65-$70 do, " he said.他表示:“几年前,每新增100美元储备,可能会有75至80美元流入美元资产,而目前可能只有65至70美元。”

6.My husband had a landscaping business and I wanted to be with him all the time so I would go with him to his jobs and help him.当时我就是这样我的丈夫从事景观美化,我想跟他一起四处去,穿著汗衫和牛仔裤,跟他一起工作。

7.He would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble.他常不顾自己的工作去帮助有困难的人。

8.she told me that she would go on trip to europe the next day.她告诉我,她第二天要去欧洲旅行。

9.Many discouraged Rappahannockers had begun to think the lady had moved away, that winter would go on and on.许多拉帕汉诺克县人开始认为春天搬走了,那个冬天将一直持续下去。

10.Obama would go on to meet his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, a few years later.那之后,过了好些年,奥巴马才找到了心目中的理想女性,即现在的第一夫人、他的妻子MichelleObama。