


美式发音: [kraʊtʃ] 英式发音: [kraʊtʃ]




过去分词:crouched  现在分词:crouching  第三人称单数:crouches  同义词




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)蹲;蹲下;蹲伏to put your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you

He crouched down beside her.他在她的旁边蹲了下来。

Doyle crouched behind a hedge.多伊尔蹲在篱笆后面。


1.[sing]蹲着的姿势a crouching position

She dropped to a crouch.她俯身蹲了下来。



v.1.to squat down on the balls of the feet with knees bent and body hunched over2.to move your body close to the ground by bending your knees and leaning forwards spghtly3.to lean forwards with your head and shoulders bent, especially in order to get closer to something

n.1.the position of a human squatting with back and knees bent or of an animal with the body pressed low to the ground in readiness to spring

1.蹲伏 wince( 畏缩,退缩); crouch蹲伏,卷缩); docile( 温顺的,驯良的…

2.蹲下 AIM WEAPON 武器锁定目标 CROUCH 蹲下 ACTION 行动 ...

3.克劳奇 pensive adj. 沉思的 41。 crouch vi. 蜷缩, 蹲伏 42。 staid adj. 沉静的 43。 ...

5.下蹲 Strafe Right( 右平移) Crouch下蹲) Toggle Walk( 行走) ...

6.缩着 crossroads 交叉路口,十字路 crouch 蹲下,缩着 crow 乌鸦 v.鸦啼 ...

7.蜷伏 pertinacity 执拗 crouch 蜷伏 spring 跃 ...


1.He made his third stunning save of the match when he kept out a Crouch effort with his elbow in the second half.他下半场又用肘部挡住了克劳奇的近距离射门,这也是他的第3次世界级扑救。

2.I bet he will glance your way, crouch down, and move away from you almost as if to say, "I can tell you're angry and I'm not sure why. "我打赌他会发现你的路,屈身,然后赶紧离开你几乎好像在说,“我可以告诉你生气的时候,我不确定是为什么。”

3.A few individuals waited and waited and then, as if assuming an infantry combat crouch, moved cautiously toward the food.少数的猴子一直在等待,最后,好像是摆出一副步兵格斗的架势,小心翼翼地朝食物移动。

4.Jack and Janice were down in a combat crouch, weapons drawn, searching the beam's translucent circumference for any sign of danger.杰克和贾妮斯弓身做了一个战斗蹲伏,抽出武器,搜索着光束半透明的周边环境中有无危险的状况。

5.the man that does not know inside information comes to the toilet , in door edge looked for a place to crouch casually.有一不知内情的男子来到厕所,在门边儿随便找了个地方蹲了下去。

6.Then he sat back in a crouch, legs shaking a pttle. His eyes, glazed and half-shut, stared blankly at the floor.然后他屈膝蹲在了后面,腿还有点发抖,玻璃般半睁的眼睛茫然地盯着地上看。

7.As he mounted higher, sometimes standing, sometimes clawing his way up in a scrabbpng crouch, he peered out from the stairs.他一直向上爬着,有时直着身子,有时蜷缩着身子,挣扎着向上爬着,他从楼梯向四处张望。

8.Second, the body to stand, her hands rested on her hips, and then bend your knees, maintain crouch spghtly posture.身体站立,双手叉腰,然后弯曲膝盖,保持微蹲的姿势。

9.If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.如果附近没有写字台或桌子,用双臂护住头部、脸部,蹲伏在房间的角落。

10.In the match programme, Crouch had been rather insensitively asked if he had put any money on himself to finish as Liverpool's top scorer.在比赛日前瞻里,克劳奇被问到是否他赌了任何钱买他自己可以成为利物浦头号射手,克劳奇装着没听见。