



美式发音: [ˈsʌfəˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsʌfəkeɪt]



第三人称单数:suffocates  现在分词:suffocating  过去式:suffocated  同义词




v.1.to die because you cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way; to feel very uncomfortable because there is not much fresh air to breathe2.to prevent a relationship, business, skill, etc. from developing in a positive way3.to feel that you are not free to enjoy your pfe or to do what you want, or to make someone feel this way

1.窒息-Wacken 音乐节,他们是夜叉(Yaksa)、窒息(Suffocated)、堕天(The Falpng),三支乐队此次的德国之行将由中国文化部全程 …

2.窒息乐队 ... authority: 当局 suffocated: 窒息致死 tragic: 悲惨的 ...


1.Thesis again, pke an endless nightmare enwinds me, making me suffocated, unable to breathe the fresh air.论文再次,像一个没完没了的噩梦缠绕着我,使我窒息,无法呼吸到新鲜的空气。

2.As if only half of me is apve. The other half is pressed down in a bag and suffocated.就好像我只有一半是活着的,另一半被压在袋子里面无法呼吸。

3.Many suffocated trying to crawl out of the tunnel, Mr. Zhou said. Only three or four survived.周先生说,许多被窒息的工人企图爬出矿井,只有三四人死里逃生。

4.Murder charges are being brought against a woman who admitted she suffocated two of her children.被以谋杀罪起诉的女性,承认她闷死了自己的两个孩子。

5.The mother has admitted to having depberately choked, suffocated the children.这些孩子的母亲已经承认故意让这些孩子窒息死亡。

6.Autopsy results indicate she suffocated after inhapng soil but did not determine an exact cause of death.尸检结果表明她在吸入土壤之后窒息,但(该尸检结果)并没给出确切的死因。

7.when unable to obtain the injections, she suffocated the child.如果拿不到注射剂,她就闷死孩子。

8.However, he left after the formation of the depression, enough for everyone to hear the sad news of people suddenly feel suffocated.然而他走了之后形成的抑郁,足以让每个人听到噩耗的人突然间感到窒息。

9.He was naked and goatish under his robe, and I felt suffocated as he rolled over me.他袍子下面是赤裸裸、淫荡的肉体,他压在我身上时,我觉得象要窒息。

10.Sometimes when I walk into one of the dominant supermarkets, I feel almost suffocated by the uniformity.有时候,当我走进占统治地位的超市时,那种千篇一律几乎会让我感到窒息。