




1.可爱的小女孩 ... 绿色田野图片 Green fields 4 可爱小女孩图片 cute pttle girl 笔记本图片 Vaio notebook ...

3.小丫头 过马路 Crossing the Street 小丫头 Cute Little Girl 不倒翁 Bounce Back ...

4.丫头丫 一个屁 A Fart 丫头丫 Cute pttle Girl 乡里大姐 Big Country woman ...

5.小女生的专利 ... *funny pttle girl 叽哩呱拉小女生 *cute pttle girl 小女生的专利 *twins twins 双胞胎姊妹 ...


1.On television, there is a cute pttle girl, with jaw-length short hair, small eyes and hearty laughter.在电视屏幕上,经常会有这样一个可爱的小姑娘,她剪着齐耳的短发,长着小小的眼睛,笑声清脆爽朗。

2.Rongrong is a cute pttle girl, whom you can see from the photo of her wearing a pttle red coat, with big eyes.荣荣是个非常可爱的小女孩,照片上的她穿着小红袄,眼睛大大的。

3.This cute pttle girl has the biggest smile on her face!这可爱的小女孩脸上带着最灿烂的笑容!

4.Recently there are many exchange students. Last night, we had dinner with them and met a very cute pttle girl. We asked them you. . .最近有好多交流生过来,昨天晚上和他们一起吃饭碰到一对很可爱的小姑娘。

5.In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary doll, but in my eyes she is a very cute pttle girl.在别人的眼里她只是一个普普通通的布娃娃,但在我的眼里她是一个非常可爱的小女孩。

6.She's a cute pttle girl.她是一个漂亮的小女孩。