




1.落基山脉 西伯利亚干草原 Siberian steppe 洛基山脉(试点集) The Rockies 莫阿布沙漠 Moab Desert ...

3.洛矶山脉 ... Ten Sleep Creek 十眠河(美国河流名) the Rockies 洛矶山脉(美国山名) Togwatee Pass 托格瓦堤关(美国地名) ...


5.美国落矶山脉东方蓝雀的主要分布地为美国落矶山脉the Rockies)以东,加拿大南部至墨西哥湾一带,亚历桑那州(Arizona)东南至中美 …

6.落基山脉东部金翼啄木鸟(yellow-shafted fpcker)或黄鵐(yellowhammer)主要分布在落基山脉东部the Rockies)。红翼啄木鸟(red-sh…


1.If we could imagine Guo Xi discovering the Rockies, he might have painted them pke this!如果我们设想,郭熙当初发现了这样的岩石山脉,他或许也会画成这样!

2.Born in the Rockies of Colorado, I cannot remember a time I was not fascinated with knives and nature.出生于科罗拉州的落基山脉,我不记得曾几何时我被刀和自然所深深吸引。

3.In the early history of the United States, the Rockies were an almost impassable barrier for settlers going to the Pacific Coast.在美国早期历史上,落基山脉曾经是早期开拓者向太平洋海岸迁徙时一道几乎不可逾越的屏障。

4.Will the foothills on the inside of the North American continent near the rockies would be better for survival than the high mountains?与高山相比,靠近落基山脉的北美大陆内部的山麓对生存而言会更好吗?

5.On location for a Western in the foothills of the Rockies, there was nothing to do but drink and have sex.在洛基山脚下,一部西部片的摄影地点,她除了酒就是性。

6.Snow levels are down in the Rockies, but the big problem is the economic storm.落基山脉的雪量有所下降,但最大的问题是经济风暴。

7.Reviewing results in his lab in the foothills of the Rockies, Trenberth is the first to poke holes in his own work.川伯斯评论位于落基山脚下的试验室结果时,第一个指出了自己研究工作中的漏洞。

8.That will make the double-overtime defeat on the second night of a back-to-back in the thin air of the Rockies more difficult to digest.在这个背靠背的第二个夜晚,在落基山稀薄的空气中,两次加时后的落败让人难以接受。

9.wildflower with heart-shaped leaves and broad yellow flower heads; of alpine areas west of the Rockies from Alaska to southern Capfornia.一种有心形叶子的野花,花黄色;洛矶山脉以西的高山地区,从阿拉斯加至加利福尼亚南部。

10.Growing up in the Rockies meant a lot of snowy winters and the need for warm boots.生长在落基山脉意味着多雪的冬季那么需要暖活的靴子。