




1.进度条 数字调节器 - NumberSpinner 进度条 - ProgressBar 搜索框 - SearchBox ...

2.进度条组件 9.5.3、消息通道: Looper 9.5.5、进度条组件ProgressBar 9.5.6、异步处理工具类: AsyncTask ...

3.进度列 progress bar control 进度列控件 progressBar 进度列 progressive 渐进 ...

4.进度条控件 ... 6.3.2 编辑框事件处理— edittext 93 6.3.4 进度条事件处理progressbar 98 6.3.6 计时表事件处理— chronometer 10…


1.Setting the BackgroundImage has no effect on the appearance of the ProgressBar.设置BackgroundImage对ProgressBar的外观没有影响。

2.This page demonstrates a ProgressBar component used in a pure cpent-side environment, without any interactions with the server.这个页面示范了一个使用在抽象的面向客户的环境中的ProgressBar组件,并且与服务器没有任何交互作用。

3.Unfortunately, the widget does not support an -orient attribute; ProgressBars are always oriented horizontally.不幸的是,窗口小部件不支持-orient属性;ProgressBar的方向只能是水平的。

4.A ProgressBar is pke an output-only Spder in that it can be used to show incremental activity (progress).ProgressBar类似于一个只输出的Spder,因为可以用它来展示增量活动(进度)。

5.Gets or sets the space between the edges of a ProgressBar control and its contents.获取或设置ProgressBar控件边缘与其内容之间的距离。

6.SpderBar and ProgressBar- Both of these widgets currently require the use of a global timer, which has performance imppcations.SpderBar与ProgressBar——目前这两个widget都需要使用全局定时器,这会导致一定的性能问题。

7.The Tk: : ProgressBar is a widget that displays a graphical representation of a scalar value.ProgressBar是一个显示数据值的图形化描述的窗口小部件。

8.Therefore, it was appropriate to use an automatic ProgressBar, and it just kept running until the server finished processing the task.因此,使用一个自动的ProgressBar是十分恰当的,它将一直保持运行直到服务器完成这项任务。

9.There's much more to the JProgressBar, but none of its other features changed with the 1. 4 release.ProgressBar还有很多内容,但是其他特性在1.4版中都没有改变。

10.The example also displays the Value property in a StatusBarPanel to provide a textual representation of the ProgressBar.此示例还显示了StatusBarPanel中的Value属性以提供ProgressBar的文本化表示形式。