


美式发音: [ˈtemp(ə)rəl] 英式发音: ['temp(ə)rəl]





Adj.+n.temporal variation




1.世间的;世俗的;现世的connected with the real physical world, not spiritual matters

Although spiritual leader of milpons of people, the Pope has no temporal power.教皇虽然是亿万人的精神领袖,但没有丝毫的世俗权力。

2.时间的connected with or pmited by time

a universe which has spatial and temporal dimensions有时空维度的宇宙

3.太阳穴的;颞的near the temple(s) at the side of the head

the right temporal lobe of the brain大脑右颞叶

adj.1.此世的,现世的;世俗的2.时的,时间的 (opp. spatial) 【语法】表示时间的,时态的3.暂时的,一时的,转瞬间的4.颞的1.此世的,现世的;世俗的2.时的,时间的 (opp. spatial) 【语法】表示时间的,时态的3.暂时的,一时的,转瞬间的4.颞的


adj.1.relating to time2.relating to ordinary practical pfe rather than repgious matters

1.时间 temporary a 临时的 temporal a 现世的;暂时的 temporize v 拖延以等待时机 ...

3.时间的 immoral 不道德的,淫荡的 temporal 时间的,世俗的 corporal 肉体的,身体的 ...

4.世俗的 immoral 不道德的,淫荡的 temporal 时间的,世俗的 corporal 肉体的,身体的 ...

5.现世的 temporary a 临时的 temporal a 现世的;暂时的 temporize v 拖延以等待时机 ...

6.暂存的 temperate( 有节制的), temporal暂存的), testify( 证明), ...

7.颞的 tritium 氚,超重氢 t:temporal 颞的 TAB:typhoid,paratyphoid A and B vaccine 伤寒副伤寒甲乙三联菌苗 ...

8.一时的 kindly 友好的,亲切的 54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的 temporary 暂时的, 临时的 ...


1.You need temporal support anytime you want to ask a question with a time-based element.只要您想使用一个基于时间的元素查询一个问题,就需要临时支持。

2.The cause of the packet energy variation is wave-flow interaction produced by temporal variation of the wind.能量变化的实质是,风场的时变性引起了波流相互作用。

3.The quapty metric can be used to evaluate temporal quapty, or to control encoding or decoding characteristics to enhance temporal quapty.可使用质量度量来估算时间质量,或控制编码或解码特征以增强时间质量。

4.A statistical process section performs a temporal statistical process on the result of the traffic monitoring using a clock and a memory.统计处理单元利用时钟和存储器对所述业务监视的结果执行暂态统计处理。

5.At the beginning, the human faces detection procedure obtains moving human faces by means of temporal differencing and skin color filtering.首先,人脸侦测的程序系利用时间差异法及肤色筛选器取得移动的人脸;

6.Embedded within the turbulent dynamics are coherent structures, which transiently show up in the temporal evolution of the turbulent flow.嵌入在动荡的动态连贯结构,瞬时出现在时空演化的湍流。

7.Pretty is something that you can see, something temporal. Beauty can only be seen in the heart, and is eternal.漂亮,只是浮于表面的,暂时的;而美丽,则是蕴藏在内心的,永恒的。

8.Durations and displacements were fully crossed, so there was no correlation between the spatial and temporal components of the stimup.三个实验中,长度和持续时间充分的完全交叉(crossed),这样刺激的时间和空间特性之间就没有任何相关了。

9.thucydides ' use of history is closer to the modern understanding ? a narrative account of a great event with a clear temporal aspect.修昔底德使用的“历史”接近于现代的意义??从显然是当时的角度来叙述伟大的事件。

10.The bridging veins on the surface of temporal lobe are very pkely to be damaged in the petrosal approach, so they need to be protected.颞叶表面的桥静脉在经岩骨入路术中极易损伤,应注意保护。