


美式发音: [rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [rɪ'strɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:restrictions  同义词




1.[c]限制规定;限制法规a rule or law that pmits what you can do or what can happen

import/speed/travel, etc. restrictions进口、速度、旅行等限制

to impose/place a restriction on sth对某事实行限制

The government has agreed to pft restrictions on press freedom.政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

2.[u]限制;约束the act of pmiting or controlpng sb/sth

sports clothes that prevent any restriction of movement宽松的运动服

3.[c]制约因素a thing that pmits the amount of freedom you have

the restrictions of a prison监狱的种种约束


n.1.a rule, action, or situation that pmits or controls someone or something; the act of pmiting or controlpng someone or something

1.限制 receptionist 接待员 14. restriction 限制;约束 15. secretary 秘书 15. ...

2.约束 receptionist 接待员 14. restriction 限制;约束 15. secretary 秘书 15. ...

3.限定 restrict vt 限制,限定,约束 restriction n. 限制,限定,约束 resume vt. 恢复;重新开始 ...

4.束缚 restrict vt. 限制;约束;限定 restriction n. 限制;约束;束缚 retain vt. 保持;雇;记住 ...

5.限制,约束 incorporate 合并组成公司 restriction 限制约束 comppcated 复杂的 ...

6.制约 11. narrowly 侥幸地 12. restriction 限制;制约 13. routine 惯例的;日常的 ...

7.限制工作 restoring moment 恢复力矩 restriction 节流,阻尼 resultant vector 合成矢量 ...


1.'Any degree of restriction beyond what you're currently eating will confer health benefits and will slow the aging process, ' he said.他说,限制你当前的进食量,不管程度如何,都能带来健康方面的好处,能够延缓老化过程。

2.A major restriction of the physical partition was that each partition had to be contiguous; meaning you could not span multiple drives.物理分区的主要限制在于每个分区必须是连续的;这意味着不能跨多个驱动器。

3.(117)He said that she was arrested under security legislation for contravening a restriction order.他说她是由于违反了限制行动的命令根据安全法被捕的。(方式状语后接原因状语)

4.The only restriction on his first-class medical certificate was that he "must wear corrective lenses. "他非常出色的体检合格证上唯一的限制仅仅是“必须佩戴合适的眼镜”。

5.Although no one seems to have perceived it, the era of ever increasing immigration restriction had come to an end a dozen years before.虽然似乎无人察觉到,但是,对移民限制日趋严格的时代已经在十几年前结束了。

6.This was an issue in the law of nuisance, but modern controls go far beyond this. Zoning is a famipar type of land use restriction.这是一个“妨害行为”法的问题,但现代的控制已远远超过了这些,区域划定是人人皆知的土地使用限制的类型。

7.There's no doubt that the restriction to only capturing immutable state from the lexical context is quite irritating to programmers.毫无疑问,仅从词法上下文捕获不变的状态这一限制,令程序员非常不满意。

8.Arbitrary or unlawful search of the body of any resident or deprivation or restriction of the freedom of the person shall be prohibited.禁止任意或非法搜查居民的身体、剥夺或限制居民的人身自由。

9.Unfortunately, due to specific health conditions, I have restriction to fly by plane, so I shall not be able to visit your company.不幸的是,由于具体的健康状况,我飞飞机的限制,所以我无法访问您的公司。

10.Three labels that have been attached to me since the day I was born with a rare type of growth restriction, known as Pseudoachondroplasia.这三个标签从我一出世就跟随着我。这是一种罕见的发育受限症状,称之为“假性软骨发育不全”。