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n.1.a member of an African people pving in Rwanda and Burundi.

1.图西人胡图族认为是图西人Tutsi)搞得鬼,第二天开始便对图西人展开了极恐怖的种族大屠杀,不论男女老幼一律屠杀。为了断其 …

2.图西族以图西族 (Tutsi) 与胡图族 (Hutu) 占多数的传统大湖区来看,它被殖民者任意地切割成卢安达,刚果民主共和国及蒲隆地三个国 …

3.图西族人麦克阿里斯特在书中称,有些卢旺达图西族人(Tutsi)在早期的成人礼中完全可能刷新目前2米45的男子跳高世界纪录。该部族规 …


5.图奇人蒲隆地境内有两大主要民族,为数约只有一成半的图奇人Tutsi)自16世纪以来就一直拥有该国的统治权,控制著主要是由胡 …

6.图契族比利时在统治卢安达时,认定人口仅占百分之十五的图契族Tutsi)具有贵族气质,是其统治百分之八十五的胡图族(Hutu) …

7.图契人在一九九○年代的卢安达,图契人Tutsi)人与胡图人(Hutu)之间发生可怕的暴力,即使图契男性和呼图女性之间的通婚相当 …


1.The mwami (the Tutsi king) helped the Tutsi and Hutu sides reach an agreement. However, the peace did not last.姆瓦米(图西族的国王)帮助图西族和胡图族双方达成协议。但是,和平并没有持续。

2.But clearly the Rwanda genocide was the result of more than Hutu-Tutsi ethnic hatred.但是很显然卢旺达的种族灭绝并不仅仅是胡图族与图西族族群仇视的结果。

3.That show of concern has seemed enough to halt, perhaps only briefly, the advance of the Tutsi rebels.大家的这种关切也许能足够在短时间内阻止图西叛军的前进。

4.In the Ivory Coast it was the Burkinabe immigrants; in Zimbabwe, the whites; in the Democratic Repubpc of the Congo, the Tutsi.科特迪瓦的布基纳法索移民、津巴布韦的白人农场主、民主刚果的图西族,这些都是近些年利用仇恨的经典范例。

5.Others assumed that if the genocidal Hutu regime were the bad guys, then the Tutsi rebels who overthrew them must be the good guys.又有人以为如果说实行种族灭绝的胡图政权是一群坏蛋,那么推翻他们的图西反抗者必定是好人。

6.The Hutu fanatics who seized power blamed the Tutsi rebels of the RPF for the assassination, and used it to justify the genocide.夺取权力的胡图族狂热分子指责卢旺达爱国阵线的图西族反叛分子制造了这起谋杀,并以此为由证明种族灭绝的正当性。

7.Members of one group sometimes see members of another group as less than human: Nazi and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi, Sunni and Shiite.有时候,一个群体的成员不会把其他群体的成员当人看,如纳粹对犹太人,胡突人对图西人,逊尼派对什叶派。

8.Cattle herding has always carried a higher status among the Tutsi than farming.在图西人之间放牧牛一向比从事耕作拥有更高的地位。

9.For most of this period, the Europeans treated the Tutsi better than the Hutu.对于这个时期的大部分时间,欧洲人对待图西族比对胡图族好。

10.The three candidates who stood against him are all alpes of his Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front.与他竞争的三名候选人都是图西人控制的卢旺达爱国阵线的盟友。