




1.朴茨茅斯条约5年9月5日,在美国总统罗斯福的协调下,日俄签订《朴茨茅斯条约》(Treaty of Portsmouth),迫使沙俄承认日本在朝鲜的 …

2.朴资茅斯条约平会谈,旨在终结日俄战争。结果,日本及苏俄都签下了朴次茅斯和约(Treaty of Portsmouth),而罗斯福总统也因其努力而获 …

4.日俄朴茨茅斯条约日俄战争败战后,依日俄於1905年9月5日签订之「普兹茅斯条约(Treaty of Portsmouth)」,将「南桦太」永久(in perpetuity) …

7.浦茅斯条约双方在美利坚的浦茅斯(Portsmouth)签署《浦茅斯条约》(Treaty of Portsmouth),条约规定有:俄罗斯将北纬50度以南 …

8.朴次茅斯条约 ... fluorimeter; 荧光计;; Treaty of Portsmouth; 朴次茅斯条约;; Prussia; 普鲁士;; ...


1.The 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth, concluded at the end of this war, gave the southern half of the Sakhapn Island to Japan.战争结束后的1905年的《朴茨茅斯条约》将萨哈林岛南部割让给日本。

2.As a result, Japan and Russia signed the Treaty of Portsmouth. President Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.结果,日本及苏俄都签下了朴次茅斯和约(TreatyofPortsmouth),而罗斯福总统也因其努力而获颁诺贝尔和平奖。

3.In September 1905 he had brokered a peace between Russia and Japan in the Treaty of Portsmouth.他曾在1905年9月担任了日俄《朴次茅斯和约》的调解人。

4.In 1905, the Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the Russo-Japanese War, was signed in New Hampshire.1905年,日俄战争结束在新罕布什尔州签定了朴次矛斯港口条约。

5.The Treaty of Portsmouth, ending the Russo-Japanese War, was signed at the naval base here in 1905. Population, 25, 925.结束俄日战争的朴次茅斯条约于1905年在这个海军基地签订。