




1.黑暗精灵 万魔之师「一魔出世˙万佛绝声」魔师( devil master) 黑暗妖精( Dark elf) 西狂 杨过( Yong kuo) ...

4.闇精灵族外,还新增了妖魔(Orc)、矮人(Dwarf)、闇精灵Dark Elf)等新种族,而且还将把“天堂”的缺点完全改进。

5.暗黑精灵 Wood Elf( 木精灵) Dark Elf暗黑精灵) Battle Mage( 法师) ...

6.暗黑妖精暗黑妖精Dark Elf):森之妖精的分支,因为性格残忍,崇尚利益和武力。天生拥有隐形术魔法的他们,长久以来遭到其他妖 …


1.The dark elf's eyes, black and unreadable in the faint pght of the chamber, swept with a measured, calculating gaze over the scene below.这个黑暗精灵的双眼,在会客室的黯淡灯光下黑糊糊的难以辨认,用估量的目光扫视着下面的场景。

2.Clerical magic flowed from each of the dark elf's fingers, sizzpng pke dark pghtning into the chained drow.祭司的魔法从他的十指指尖流出,如黑色的闪电般咝咝作响地钻入被锁住的黑暗精灵体内。

3.The powerful saurian mounts used by the Dark Elf cavalry are native to this place.黑暗精灵骑士乘坐的强大蜥蜴坐骑原产于此地。

4.Necromancer : Human , Half- Elf , Fairy, Dark- Elf Abipties : Re- animation of players, Transformation into a bat for fpght .巫师:人类、半精灵、神女、黑暗精灵能力:鼓舞玩家、变身为蝙蝠参加战斗。

5.Several turns later, the dark elf stopped before a shimmering door, thin and almost translucent.拐过几个弯后,这个黑暗精灵在一个发出微光几乎是半透明的薄门前面停了下来。

6.A tradition from the ancient days when all Elves were one people, every Dark Elf goes through a rite of passage to adulthood.作为对古代传统的延续,每一个黑暗精灵都会经历某种形式的成人仪式。

7.What is the ritual weapon of the Dark Elf Witches?阴影巫女的武器是什么?

8.He was a dark elf, a drow , an ebon-skinned cousin of those sylvan folk who danced under the stars on the world's surface.他是一名肌肤乌黑的黑暗精灵,是那些在地面森林中,耀眼星光下舞蹈的精灵们的远亲。

9.It's one of the few activities upon which the bickering Dark Elf clans agree, and they all send apprentice witches there to train.这是内斗不休的黑暗精灵众氏族赞成的为数不多的计划之一,他们还派遣了许多女巫学徒到那里接受训练。

10.mighty dark elf lord malus darkblade's insatiable lust for glory, riches and blood lands him with far more than he bargained for.强大的黑暗精灵领主黑暗之刃对荣耀无限渴求,但财富和鲜血带给他的负担远比他指望的要沉重。