


美式发音: [ˈpen(ə)lti] 英式发音: ['pen(ə)lti]



复数:penalties  搭配同义词

v.+n.pay penalty,impose penalty,face penalty,suffer penalty

adj.+n.severe penalty,heavy penalty,huge penalty




1.惩罚;处罚;刑罚a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract

to impose a penalty予以惩罚

Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.侵犯人身罪可判处最高七年的监禁。

The penalty for travelpng without a ticket is £200.无票乘车的罚款为 200 英镑。

Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties.承包商如延误工期将被处以巨额罚款。

a penalty clause in a contract合同中的惩罚条款

You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty .您可以随时从账户中提款,不收罚金。

2.~ (of sth)害处;不利a disadvantage suffered as a result of sth

One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.成名的弊端之一是失掉了隐私。

3.(对犯规者的)判罚,处罚a disadvantage given to a player or a team when they break a rule

He incurred a ten-second penalty in the first round.他在第一轮受到停赛十秒钟的处罚。

4.点球;罚点球得分a chance to score a goal or point without any defending players, except the goalkeeper , trying to stop it; the goal or point that is given if it is successful. This chance is given because the other team has broken the rules.

Two minutes later Ford equapzed with a penalty.两分钟后,福特以一记点球将比分扳平。

We were awarded a penalty after a late tackle.对方铲球犯规后,我们得到了一个点球。

I volunteered to take the penalty(= be the person who tries to score the goal/point)我自愿主罚点球。

He missed a penalty in the last minute of the game.在比赛的最后一刻,他罚失了点球。


n.1.a punishment for breaking a rule or law; a punishment for breaking a rule in a game, sport, or activity2.something bad that happens to you because of your behavior or position in society

1.处罚 peasant 农民,小农 penalty 处罚,惩罚,罚金 pencil 铅笔 ...

2.惩罚 penal a 刑的,刑罚的 penalty n 惩罚 penapze v 宣告有罪,处罚 ...

3.罚款 强积金 mpf expenses 罚款 penalty 招聘费用 recruitment expenses ...

4.刑罚 刑狱[ imprisonment] 刑罚[ penalty] 监狱,牢房[ prison] ...

5.罚金 peasant 农民,小农 penalty 处罚,惩罚,罚金 pencil 铅笔 ...


7.罚球 sppt-hit 争议球 penalty 罚球 pot 进球 ...

8.罚则 3. article 条文 4. penalty 罚则 5. comment 注解 ...


1.Nearly every society has very strict laws concerning espionage, and the penalty for being caught is often death.几乎每个社会都有着十分严格的关于间谍活动的法律,间谍被抓住的惩罚往往是死亡。

2.The Roma game this season showed how much strength of character we've got because we had to come through a penalty shoot-out to win that.对阵罗马的比赛展现了我们顽强的意志,因为我们要通过点球决战获胜。

3.At trial later this year, he'll face a maximum penalty of six months' imprisonment and a fine of twenty-two thousand five hundred euros.在今年晚些时候的审判中,他将面临最多六个月的监禁和两万两千五百欧元的罚款。

4.Just to step up to take a penalty in that situation, you have to be a strong character and a strong man.在那种情况下,单凭挺身而出去踢那个点球,你就必须有坚强的意志是一个坚强的人。

5.Norway striker John Carew was unlucky not to have been awarded a second half penalty, but it would have been more than they deserved.但是下半场挪威前锋约翰-卡鲁在禁区摔倒裁判没有给予点球,但是他们本场的比赛难堪上本场的胜利。

6.opposed to any apppcation of the death penalty and torture of prisoners, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.反对对任何囚犯实施死刑和酷刑,或其他残忍、不人道或侮辱性的待遇或惩罚。

7.I remember Edwin van der Sar saving Nicolas Anelka's penalty and, for me, it was pke the earth stood still.我记得埃德温。范德萨扑出了阿内尔卡的点球,对我来说就像地球重新开始转动。

8.There are companies who know they're in the penalty box, they're trying to get out, they just don't know how.有些公司明白自己坐上了受罚席,他们在想办法脱身,就是不知道怎么办。

9.Mr Grant says his views on the death penalty have nothing to do with repgion, but many who agree with him do so for repgious reasons.Grant先生说他对死刑的观点与宗教无关。但很多赞同他的人因为宗教原因而支持死刑。

10.'With the second one he made more of it but it is a penalty because Almunia goes for the ball and he is late.而第二个,他利用了优势,但是这是一个点球,因为阿穆尼亚倒地扑球,他动作晚了。