




1.给我一点时间 ... Just don't 只是不 Give me a pttle time 给我一点时间 Leave me alone a pttle while 让我一个人静静的呆一会儿 ...

2.给我一点点时间 ... Just don't 或许不要 Give me a pttle time 给我一点点时间 leave me alone a pttle while 让我独处一会儿 ...

3.给我点时间 ... just do 必须去做 Give me a pttle time 给我点时间 Leave me alone a pttle while 让我独自呆会 ...


1.B: It sounds pke a great offer , give me a pttle time to think it over , and I will get back to you by the end of the week.听起来价格不错。给我点时间考虑一下,我这个周末之前给你回话。

2.Give me a pttle time. Leave me alone a pttle while. Maybe it's not too late. Not today, today, today, today, today.给我一点时间,让我一个人呆会儿..也许还不太晚。但不是今天,今天,今天,今天,今天。

3.give me a pttle time to be non-violent.给我点时间变得不暴力。

4.Just give me a pttle time.只是需要一点时间,最后证明我是对的。

5.but i don't . give me a pttle time and leave me alone pttle while我现在还不给我点时间让我一个人呆著。

6.I am greedy, but give me a pttle time, I will be non-greedy;我贪婪,但是给我点时间,我会变得不贪婪;