

year after year

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un.1.continuously for several years


1.At present, China is the world's one of the largest capital investment, construction completion of output continued to grow year after year.目前,我国是世界上基本建设投资最多的国家之一,建筑业完成产值年年持续增长。

2.Because in your education, the sun is always warm, tree and grass withered flourish year after year, the world is a fine place.因为在你接受的教育中,太阳永远是温暖的,树和草儿一年年枯了又荣,世界是美好的。

3.But ordinary day after day, year after year, who can you think momently, love you love to hear you say that you are talking about.但是平凡的日子一天一天,一年一年,谁又可以时时刻刻想你所想,爱你所爱,听你所说,讲你所讲。

4.If your annual loss was shrinking year after year, then you would be probably be able to come out of it, pke Amazon did.如果您的年度亏损逐年萎缩,那么你可能会像亚马逊能够走出有这样做。

5.And I could only help but wonder that this was one snowflake on top of another snowflake, year after year.我只能感到很奇怪这就是一片雪花覆盖在另一片雪花,年复一年形成的。

6.I may have to go on cultivating year after year, a field which seems to yield me no harvests whatsoever.或者在一个似乎没有果子可结的田地里,一年过一年地继续耕种下去。

7.Thank you for your depcious home cooking and for packing so much love and nutrition into my lunch box day after day and year after year.谢谢你为我做美味的饭菜,在我的午餐盒里盛满爱和营养,日复一日,年复一年。

8.give yourself for a five-year goals, then, and decomposing it into half year after year, half a year, three months, a month.给自己定一个五年的目标,然后,把它分解成一年一年,半年半年的,三个月的,一个月的。

9.How I wish, how I wish you were here. We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground.我多么希望,我多么希望你在这里。我们只是两个在鱼缸里游泳的孤魂野鬼,年复一年,在原地来回。

10.Business income year after year drops may be ' hurt forcedly ' , it is not quite good that this may mean growing sex.营业收入逐年下降可能是‘硬伤’,这可能意味着成长性不太好。