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abbr.(=Nonpropferation Treaty)防止核扩散条约

网络释义:不扩散核武器条约(Non-Propferation Treaty);核不扩散条约;螺纹


abbr.1.(=Nonpropferation Treaty)防止核扩散条约

abbr.1.(=Nonpropferation Treaty)

1.不扩散核武器条约(Non-Propferation Treaty)NPS) ? (单位: 单位:mm) 单位: 斜行螺纹(NPT) 管用螺纹尺 寸 使用铰刀场合 0.234 ( 5.94) 0.328 ( 8.33) 平行螺纹(NPS) …

4.管螺纹锥度管螺纹NPT)量规 量规.螺纹量规.锥度量规 公制螺纹量规 莫氏锥度量规 可调桥板螺纹环规锥度量规 求购ZW43真空断路 …

5.夜间阴茎勃起(Nocturnal penile tumescence)夜间阴茎勃起(Npt)有几种检查方法?http://www.100md网址被屏蔽 大众医药网 多少年来,夜间阴茎勃起一直是阳痿检查中常用的测试 …

6.防止核扩散条约国原来不愿在《防止核扩散条约》(NPT )上签字,后来西方仅仅通过谈判,让中国加入《全面禁止核试验条约》,就使中国 …


1.Likewise, the hard-won clarity of the NSG's trade ban has helped maintain support for the NPT, despite the cheating antics of a few.同样的道理,核供应国集团对于核贸易禁令难得的清晰态度维持了核不扩散条约,尽管背后耍了些小动作。

2.Note: The above connections are available as outlet connections only. Strainer inlet connection is always Female NPT.注意:上述可提供的连接仅限于出口连接。过滤器进口连接都是内螺纹。

3.Like India, Pakistan and now North Korea, it has stayed outside NPT to develop an arsenal of its own and was thus not in the room.同印度,巴基斯坦以及现在的朝鲜一样,以色列没有加入《不扩散核武器条约》,它在发展自己的军备。

4.Every five years since the NPT went into effect in 1970, the review conference evaluates its operation and implementation.自条约于1970年生效以来,每五年举行一次审议大会,评估条约的运作与执行情况。

5.Its exclusion from the NPT would be a function of an arbitrary date rather than its behavior.印度被NPT排除在外是一个任意日期非其行为而造成的。

6.Inspections are vital, since the NPT allows countries to come close to having an actual bomb.由于《不扩散核武器条约》允许各国拥有接近实际的核弹,核查也就至关重要。

7.During the Cold War, Germany was forced to sign and comply with the NPT by the Soviet Union, Britain, France and the U.在冷战期间,联邦德国是在苏联、英国、法国以及美国等外部大国的压力下被迫签署和遵守NPT。

8.Unpke members of the NSG, India has not only failed to sign the NPT, it has not signed the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty either.与核供应商集团的成员不同,印度不光没有签订核不扩散条约,就连全面禁止核试验的协议也没有签订。

9.Notably, apart from New Delhi, Israel and Pakistan are the only two nuclear powered nations who have not signed the NPT.很明显,除了新德里,以色列和巴基斯坦是仅有的两个没有签署核不扩散条约的拥有核武器的国家。

10.However, the NPT conference could be a start for China to take a more active role in arms control.然而,此次《不扩散核武器条约》审议大会,也许会成为中国在军控方面扮演更为积极角色的一个起点。