

beaker:[英 [ˈbi:kə(r)] 美 [ˈbikɚ] ]



beaker 基本解释

名词烧杯; 高脚杯

beaker 网络解释

1. 烧杯:臭氧氧化对氯苯甲酸(pcba)第二部份:臭氧与pcba反应浓比自由基的攫取者 (scavenger) 时,攫取者会消耗氢氧自由基,使得规格:25ml 2.可调适微 吸管(Microliter-pipette witopet variable)6.PP 烧杯(Beaker)容 :500ml 7.PP 有柄烧


2. 杯:授课的过程主要是以英语教师用英语提出问题,由学生回答,然后我作出评价(使用汉语),中间还掺杂对化学实验仪器、生活中的化学和化学科技发展的前沿知识介绍,如干锅(crucible)、试管(test tube)、烧杯(beaker)等实验室用品,门迭列夫、居里夫人、钱永健等科学家介绍,


3. 大口杯:*大口杯(BEAKER)一种无柄大酒杯,常有外倾的宽口,有时还有支座. 大主教(ARCHBISHOP) 一教区等级最高的主教. 丹配拉画/丹配拉画法(TEMPERA PAINTING)1) 用蛋清和水调和颜料(PIGMENTS)绘制的画. 在十四、十五世纪,


4. 烧杯(带倾口):Flask:烧瓶 | Beaker:烧杯(带倾口) | Distilled Water:蒸馏水

beaker 双语例句

1. Transfer the filtrate to a tared beaker, evaporate to dryness without charring, dry at 105 for 1 hour, cool in a desiccator, and weigh: the difference between the weight of the residue and the weight obtained from a blank determination does not exceed 12.5 mg (0.25%).

将滤液转入已称重的烧杯,105°下干燥1小时,在不烧焦的前提下使其蒸发至干,在干燥器中冷却,称重。测得的残渣重量与空白测定中得到的残渣重量之差不超过12.5 mg (0.25%)。

2. Production and sales companies: particle detector strength, freeze-drying machine, snow ice machine, glass reactor, rotary evaporator, electronic balance, ultrasonic cleaning machines, ice making machine, industrial ice-making machine, constant temperature and humidity box, microscope several significant oil bath temperature pot/water bath pot, Ma fluoride furnace, low temperature cooling liquid circulating pump, circulating water-type multi-purpose vacuum pump, mold incubator, biochemical incubator, constant temperature incubator, vacuum oven, blast oven, super - net workbench, biosafety cabinets, magnetic stirrer, centrifuge, ultrasonic cell pulverizer, ultra-pure water machines, autoclaves, laboratory various beaker, Bio-Rad power supply, test-bed, constant temperature circulator, low temperature cycle at high pump, pesticide Tachometer, UV analyzers, liquid machine, PCR device, liquid chromatography, weather chromatograph, total acidity/PH, the spectrophotometer, ultra-low temperature refrigerators, constant-current pumps, rotary vane type vacuum pump, auto parts traps, low-temperature thermostat bath; and other products.


3. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson


4. beaker的反义词

4. Female at the 2006 MOBO Awards, only to be beaten by Corinne Bailey Rae. White has also appeared in the Halle Berry movie Catwoman thanks to a recommendation from Alicia Keys, and sang the theme tune to the hit children's BBC TV show Tracy Beaker.

Keisha在独立发行单曲之前,曾经出现在Paul Oakenfold的歌曲中,也就是从那时起收到唱片公司的关注。

5. beaker

5. He believed that one should never learn from a book what one could learn from a beaker, flask, or Bunsen burner.



6. The wine of life, henceforth to be presented to her lips, must be indeed rich, delicious, and exhilarating, in its chased and golden beaker; or else leave an inevitable and weary languor, after the lees of bitterness wherewith she had been drugged, as with a cordial of intensest potency.


7. beaker的近义词

7. The total weight of a dry glass beaker and a magnetic stirrer was determined before the reagents were mixed.


8. The reaction proceeds more smoothly if the round-bottom flask is shielded from draughts by being placed in an empty beaker.


9. 4 Fill the beaker with the Fiuorescein solution to a depth of about 3 inches (76 mm).

2.4 将大口杯装满 Fiuorescein 的解决办法大约 3 寸的深度(76毫米)。

10. 10ml blood was collected from the rabbit heart and putted into the small clean beaker. metaglobulin was remoe by Stirring with prod. 10ml normal saline was Added and then shaked. the mixture was centrifuged at 2000 RPM for 5 minutes. the supernatant was remoed, repested the aboe operations twice until the supernatant was redfree. 2ml blood cells wereTaked and reconstituted with normal saline to 2% red blood cell suspension.


11. beaker的反义词

11. The balance beam scale is outfitted with a beaker reservoir on one of its arms and a tare weight on the other.


12. And the chemistry experiment, it is in a specific set of devices, through the gas solubility in liquid very short period of time to generate sufficient pressure difference, then open the piston, the atmospheric pressure to the liquid pressure inside the beaker into the flask, in pipefish mouth formed catheter fountain.


13. PX had a fine pH and thermal stability and the culture broth which was stored in a sealed beaker flask at normal temperature still kept a high flocculating activity after six days or more.


14. Alcohol use in the heat lamp can be test-tube, flask, beaker, the evaporation of liquid to the dish to heat, heat the dry solids can be used when the test tube, dish, such as evaporation, and some instruments, such as cylinder set, graduated cylinder, funnel, and so does not allow alcohol use light heating.


15. beaker的反义词

15. NOTE: 1. Alcohol use in the heat lamp can be test-tube, flask, beaker, the evaporation of liquid to the dish to heat, heat the dry solids can be used when the test tube, dish, such as evaporation, and some instruments, such as cylinder set, graduated cylinder, funnel, and so does not allow alcohol use light heating.


16. Our factory is specialized in producing any of the following products: iodine sublimation tubes, connectors, Erlian ball on the wall, liquid convection experiments, and demonstration devices, U-type the highest minimum, capillarity, platinum and gold bars, Sheng liquid cylinder liquid internal pressure, small pressure, the nitrogen ball, scale straw, demonstration thermometer, water, electricity and gas, Newton tubes, a variety of test-tube funnel, chemical use test tubes, glass rods, Glue stick, glue the first dropper, all kinds of beaker, flask, measuring cup, graduated cylinder.


17. beaker的近义词

17. Add 101g(55ml) of concentrated sulphuric acid cautiously to 75 ml of water contained in a 1-litre beaker and introduce 35g(0.25mol) of finely powered m-nitroaniline.

加101g(55ml)浓硫酸到盛有75 ml 水的1L的烧杯中,再加35g(0.25mol) m-硝基苯胺细粉。

18. Add 100-150g of finely crushed ice and stir until the m-nitroaniline has been converted into the sulphate and a homogeneous paste results. Cool to 0-5°C by immersion of the beaker in a freezing mixture, stir mechanically and add a cold solution of 18g(0.26mol) of sodium nitrite in 40 ml of water over a period of 10 minutes until a permanent colour is immediately given to potassium iodide-starch paper: do not allow the temperature to rise above 5-7°C during the diazotisation.

加入100-150g碎冰,搅拌至m-硝基苯胺成硫酸盐,把烧杯浸入到冷冻液中冷却到0-5°C,机械搅拌下于 10 min内加亚硝酸钠冷溶液(由18g(0.26mol)亚硝酸钠和40 ml 水组成),直到用淀粉-碘化钾试纸测试时,能使该试纸立即显色且不褪色:在重氮化反应时不允许温度超过5-7°C。

19. Is that a beaker or are you happy to see me?


20. Get away the beaker and put it on the board of the fuming hood when the reaction is over. Remove the leftover into the stainless steel basket till the beaker is cooled., open the tap when the wasted liquid has flowed away. Clean the chip with DI water, then it is dipped into acetone and clean with ultrasonic washer for 5 minutes.


beaker 词典解释

1. (通常无柄的)塑料杯

A beaker is a plastic cup used for drinking, usually one with no handle.

2. 大口杯;大玻璃杯

A beaker is a large cup or glass.

3. 烧杯

A beaker is a glass or plastic jar which is used in chemistry.

beaker 单语例句beaker是什么意思

1. Sensors inside the beaker detect the soil's pH and probe for traces of the nutrients.

beaker 英英释义


1. a cup (usually without a handle)

2. a flatbottomed jar made of glass or plastic

used for chemistry