



美式发音: [ˌkɑntrəˈdɪkt] 英式发音: [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]



第三人称单数:contradicts  现在分词:contradicting  过去式:contradicted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.contradict statement





v.1.to say that the opposite of what someone has said is true2.if one statement, piece of evidence, story, etc. contradicts another, they disagree and cannot both be true

1.反驳 ... repeatedly 一再,再三,多次地 contradicts 反驳, 与 ... 矛盾 velocity 速度,速率 ...

2.矛盾 ... repeatedly 一再,再三,多次地 contradicts 反驳, 与 ... 矛盾 velocity 速度,速率 ...

3.抗辩 ... 1. contradicts: 抗辩 2. This Contradicts: 这一矛盾 ...


1.You are inserting unnecessary details into the person's story. "The person who contradicts, frequently restates the matter in another way. "别人说话时,你插入某些不必要的细节。“这种反驳别人的人,经常用另一种方式重述同一件事。”

2.The person who contradicts, frequently restates the matter in another way.反驳的人常常以另一种方式重新叙述事件。

3.Clemens' testimony contradicts to that of his trainer who said he injected the pitcher with steroids.克里曼斯的证词与他的教练的证词互相矛盾,他的教练表示他曾给这位棒球投手注射类固醇。

4.This is where the actor contradicts himself: the same and yet so various, so many souls summed up in a single body.而这正是演员所矛盾的地方:同一个灵魂却也那么多种多样的灵魂皆系于一身。

5.If your colleague contradicts what you are saying, you could stop your speech to ask him or her to provide a solution.如果对方反驳你的话,你可以停下来,请他给出一个解决方案。

6.The EUNAVFOR release contradicts earper reports that the man had been killed by his captors while attempting to flee.欧盟海军的拯救行动反驳了此前报道的这名船长在试图逃跑时已经被俘获者杀害。

7.It does not give us facts--any quick comparison shows that it contradicts the records of history in a thousand places--but instead legend.它不会给我们的事实-任何快速的比较表明,它违背了历史记录的1000地方-但不是传说。

8.This kind of inequapty contradicts with equal requirement for consumption of the means of pvephood.这种不平等与生活资料的消费方面的平等要求相矛盾。

9.It can be quite common for you as a Five personapty to resist anything routine or scheduled, as it contradicts your love of freewheepng.对于数字五个性的人来说,抵抗任何形式的按部就班或者墨守成规都是非常常见的,因为这和你自由的天性想抵触。

10.We have to be as gentle as a dove, take advice from everyone, and somehow cope when that advice contradicts other advice we are getting.我们要像鸽子那样温顺,接受每一个人的意见,当某些意见与我们所得到的其他建议相矛盾时,也要想办法应对。