

nullify:[英 [ˈnʌlɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈnʌləˌfaɪ] ]


过去式:nullified;   过去分词:nullified;   现在分词:nullifying;

nullify 基本解释


及物动词使抵消; 使无效

nullify 相关例句


1. The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages.


2. nullify

2. He has no right to nullify laws.


nullify 网络解释

1. 无效:通过这些装置,人尝试把现在从他儿分出去的动物性行为变得无效(nullify),从而享受开放本身,享受那种所是的存 在(enjoy being insofar as it is being).

2. 注销:日常事务的处理 商标在使用过程中所需处理的日常事务包括办理商标续展、变更(Variation)、注销(Nullify)手续. 代理人可以根据所在国法律向被代理人提出建设性意见,并根据被代理人的委托对商标日常事务进行处理

3. 使无效:nominate提名 | nullify使无效v | nullity无效n

4. 废弃:nullification 取消 | nullify 废弃 | nulling operation 归零

nullify 双语例句

1. I don`t think Wright`s words nullify Olbermann at all.


2. nullify是什么意思

2. To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.


3. I think I'll nullify your brain and sequester


4. nullify的意思

4. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if justification

加2:212:21 我不废掉神的恩。义若是借着律法得的、基督就是徒然死了。

5. nullify

5. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if righteousness is through law, then Christ has died for nothing.

2:21 我不废弃神的恩;因为义若是藉着律法得的,基督就是白白死了。

6. I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.


7. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.



8. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.


9. nullify

9. Usually an inverse filter is designed and convolved with the signal, the objective being to nullify an objectionable effect of an earlier filter action.


10. Anyone, at anytime is entitled to nullify the marriage without the courts pronounce judgment relative invalid marriage however, depending on the different causes, has different requiring bodies and different requiring limitation.


11. nullify的近义词

11. Normentheorie, also called theory of classification of legal requirement, with Rosenberg as its representative in German, who classified civil law norm into four categories: Rechtsbegr ü ndende Norm ------ arise the occurring of right; Rechtshindernde Norm ----- be counter to the right to occur, and avoid its occurring; Rechtsvernichtende Norm ---- be counter to the right occurring, and nullify it; and Rechtshemmende Norm ----- be counter to the right when the right holder is to perform the right occurring, and obviate the right.


12. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.


13. Will people's lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness?


14. You can nullify this agreement|and send me to any school you want.


15. If voted into law, it will nullify the CRB's decision.


16. We are now about to accept gauge of battle with this natural foe to liberty and shall, if necessary, spend the whole force of the nation to check and nullify its pretensions and its power.



17. Article 176 After a property was determined by a judgment to be ownerless, if the owner of the property or his successor emerges, he may claim the property within the statutory limitation proscribed in the General Principle of Civil Law, the people`s court shall, after examination and verification, make a new judgment to nullify the previous one.


18. Ferguson was understandably desperate to nullify Lionel Messi and Thierry Henry, because you cannot allow them to take on defenders one on one.


19. nullify

19. So you nullify the word of God through the tradition you have handed on.


20. nullify

20. Using a regular pillowcase may nullify the effectiveness of the pillow as its shape would not be maintained.


nullify 词典解释

1. 使失去法律效力;废除;取消

To nullify a legal decision or procedure means to declare that it is not legally valid.


e.g. He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments...


e.g. It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage.


2. 使无效;使无用;抵消

To nullify something means to make it have no effect.

e.g. He may be able to nullify that disadvantage by offering a wider variety of produce...


e.g. This, of course, would nullify the effect of the move and merely accelerate inflation.


nullify 单语例句nullify

1. The contract and enterprise rules will be declared invalid and the enterprise registration authorities will not register it or will nullify the registration.

2. Fan and the villagers demanded the authorities nullify the change and took the provincial land and resources department to court.

3. In yesterday's case filed by Lien on April 5, the opposition sought to nullify the whole election and hold a new vote.

4. But the DPRK's nuclear test will not nullify the diplomatic initiative of China for regional stability.

5. International electoral observers have said the attempt to nullify the vote was unjustified.

6. The rate at which the world population is growing would render development useless and nullify our efforts to save the environment.

7. But 11 domestic companies filed a request to a SIPO patent review committee and asked the committee to nullify the patent status.

8. They have vowed to stay until officials nullify the results of an election they say was rigged.

9. Any loss of beer such as beer spraying, spilling and leaking would nullify the results.

10. But that cannot be used to nullify the function of mandatory education, which every child is entitled to.

nullify的翻译nullify 英英释义



1. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of

e.g. Her optimism neutralizes his gloom

This action will negate the effect of my efforts

Synonym: neutralizeneutralisenegate

2. show to be invalid

Synonym: invalidate

3. declare invalid

e.g. The contract was annulled

void a plea

Synonym: invalidateannulquashvoidavoid