

prohibition:[英 [ˌprəʊɪˈbɪʃn] 美 [ˌproʊəˈbɪʃn] ]



prohibition 基本解释


名词禁令,禁律; 〈美〉禁酒,[美史]禁酒时期; [法]诉讼中止令

prohibition 相关例句


1. prohibition

1. The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives.


2. The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July.


prohibition 网络解释

1. 禁令:涉及特别救济较典型的令状有:调卷令(certioriari)、禁令(prohibition)和强制令(mandamus). 只要个人受某个行政当局或某个行政裁判所的某项决定的不利影响,就可以请求高等法院调卷. 如请求获同意且高等法院经审查认定该决定有错误,

2. 禁令 禁令:professional organization 专业组织 专业组织 | prohibition 禁令 禁令 | proof 证据 证据

3. 禁止,禁令:prohibit 禁止,阻止 | prohibition 禁止;禁令 | prohibitor 禁止者; 阻止者

prohibition 双语例句

1. Inappropriate, excessive or capricious administration of aversive stimulation has led to scandals, lawsuits and prohibition s


2. Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.


3. Many find this prohibition of an individual`s right to die paternalistic.


4. prohibition

4. Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic paternalistic.

find 是个带复合宾语的动词之一。它的基本结构是 find+n。

5. prohibition的反义词

5. Just being influenced by the famous neo-Confucianists and orthodox scholar-officials in Song represented by Zhu Xi, could academies in Fujian district display fair academic prosperity and lasting vitality when facing social crises of the prohibition of pseudo-academy and the transition of the Song and Yuan Dynasty.


6. When it comes to policy participants, during the process of anti-domestic violence policy, led by policy objective of prevention and prohibition of domestic violence, through a variety of formal and informal mechanisms, the relative government departments is made up of a community which can be seen as policy system.


7. Indeed far from reducing crime prohibition has fostered gangsterism on a scale that the world has never seen before.


8. Indeed, far from reducing crime, prohibition has fostered gangsterism on a scale that the world has never seen before.


9. The Anti-monopoly Law adopts the principle of both the general prohibition and limited exception to the Monopoly Agreements.


10. prohibition在线翻译

10. For metals, the prohibition in the first subsection does not apply to natural occurrences in coal, ore and ore concentrate.


11. At the same time, it is also represented by such a taboo omen of things arising from the prohibition.


12. Must be served with warm water and candy, the prohibition of clothing with hot water.


13. prohibition在线翻译

13. A prohibition dumping car is a car which is prohibited from being operated in the dumper.


14. In summary, the content of taxes and the prohibition of bad moral atmosphere are not realistic. It is also difficult to carry out the regulations on the demoted and banished officials. But the reward to the official has been carried out better.


15. In this article, it is assumed that the market is incomplete, and the short-selling prohibition is added.


16. prohibition

16. In March 2000, less than 2 months after our Legislative Yuan passed the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act, two banks took the RCA site as collateral and arranged a NT$3.1 billion syndicate loan, which support its owner to carry on construction project. They disregards the fact that the RCA site was found been contaminated, unfortunately, the project was end up with nothing, due to the land registration authority who register the prohibition against the disposition of the land. The owner was bankruptcy and the two banks wrote off the whole loan.


17. Prohibition of the Use of the product!


18. prohibition的意思

18. Regulations on the prohibition of the use of bagged cement and the region made clear that the construction project.



19. Prohibition of the use of low-cost land, energy and other hidden price competition for foreign investment, impedes fair competition.


20. The countries of the Union may provide for a period within which the prohibition of use must be requested.


prohibition 词典解释

1. 禁令;禁律

A prohibition is a law or rule forbidding something.

e.g. ...a prohibition on discrimination.


e.g. ...prohibitions against feeding birds at the airport.


prohibition 单语例句

1. They filed a collective complaint against the market in a call for the prohibition of counterfeits last May.

2. Add to that a prohibition against any screen time - smartphone, computer or tablet - before bed.

3. Qin said China has approved conventions on equal pay for work of equal value, prohibition of child labor and elimination of job discrimination.

4. The Nanjing Municipal People's Congress late last month decided to revise the regulations on the prohibition of firecrackers and fireworks.

5. It consistently advocates the complete prohibition and thorough dismantling of all weapons of mass destruction, and firmly opposes the proliferation of such weapons and their carriers.

6. China's national policy has been to pursue a complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons since 1964 when it conducted its first nuclear explosion.

7. He made several appearances after taking office, breaking a constitutional prohibition on private employment while in office.

8. The prohibition is aimed at ensuring proper trial procedure and guarding litigants'rights, according to an unnamed SPC official.

9. The prohibition against adoption would appear contrary to the Quran's heavy emphasis on helping orphans.

10. An international legal instrument on the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons should be concluded at an early date.

prohibition什么意思prohibition 英英释义


1. the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof)

e.g. they were restrained by a prohibition in their charter

a medical inhibition of alcoholic beverages

he ignored his parents' forbiddance

Synonym: inhibitionforbiddance

2. a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages

e.g. in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US

3. a decree that prohibits something

Synonym: banproscription

4. refusal to approve or assent to

5. the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment

Synonym: prohibition era