

spurn:[英 [spɜ:n] 美 [spɜ:rn] ]


过去式:spurned;   过去分词:spurned;   现在分词:spurning;

spurn 基本解释

及物动词唾弃; 蔑视; 轻视地踏或踢


名词踢开; 轻视的拒绝

spurn 相关例句


1. She spurned all offers of help.


spurn 网络解释

1. 弃绝:spurn away 一脚踢开 | spurn 弃绝 | spurred 有马刺的

2. 狂傲地拒绝:flounder挣扎 | spurn狂傲地拒绝 | boredon厌倦

3. 刺激物vt.刺激:sprinklen洒,撒;小雨 | spurn刺激物vt刺激 | spyn间谍,特务vt侦察

4. 践踏:insolence 傲慢、无礼 | spurn 践踏 | fardel 负担

spurn 双语例句

1. To spurn the king and his invitation is a serious offense.


2. He captures the pig, secure aft, take off next oneself trousers, at this moment, the dog jumps suddenly, to his buttock, firm firm ground bit, this person one foot dog spurn, but the pig also gives run, he is forced to chase after a pig, secure it to buttock again next.


3. But many financial giants who need all the capital they can get are in no position to spurn government money.


4. spurn

4. And my belief is that you came to steal a pretty girl's heart away, and to ruin it, and to spurn in afterwards.


5. In Dell's personal opinion, it is very necessary to spurn the unnecessary middle points.



6. Antonio I'm as like to call you so again, to spit on you again, to spurn you too.


7. I am as like to call thee so again, to spit on thee again, to spurn thee too.



8. Despise, scorn, spurn Rebecca disdains the idea of having to arrive home by 10:00 PM.

丽贝卡对晚上 10 点以前必须回家的想法嗤之以鼻。

9. Obama's efforts at conciliation, our adversaries—Iran, North Korea, Hamas, among others—may spurn America's outstretched hand, or meet it with a mailed fist.


10. Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not spurn them, neither will I abhor them so as to destroy them utterly and break my covenant with them, for I am the LORD their God.


11. Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands, while you smile on the schemes of the wicked?


12. With half a smile and half a spurn



13. That you will never be able to officials who, when the officer is not good, people spurn.


14. This is SEO in the circle not shame behavior, suffer the spurn of SEO person of the same trade.


15. spurn

15. But to this beggar I cannot reject him really, because he helped me, if I do not express, I feel those who owe him with respect to understanding manage, I myself can let other people spurn certainly with respect to what can become aware.



16. White House official Monday cast strong doubt on the willingness of the Taliban's reclusive leader to spurn his group's violent ways and back the Afghan government.


17. Development in industry and economy, we must spurn the ways of development at the expenses


18. spurn的近义词

18. :例句: We should spurn at the difficulties but not look down upon them.


19. The decisions by Barclays and Deutsche Bank to spurn government help may, at first glance, seem like signs of strength.


20. As an armyman, I spurn fearlessly at all danger and the enemy.


spurn 词典解释

1. 拒绝;摈弃

If you spurn someone or something, you reject them.


e.g. He spurned the advice of management consultants...


e.g. These gestures have been spurned.


spurn 单语例句

1. I would not include greed as part of my character, but who would spurn money at the doorstep?

2. The Chinese government can use that influence to induce Pyongyang not to spurn an olive branch from Washington.

3. Although the stock market does not spurn State firms, it should be primarily a market for companies with a clear property right structure.

4. And my taste buds have not become that picky to spurn the local variety.

spurn 英英释义


1. reject with contempt

e.g. She spurned his advances

Synonym: rejectfreeze offscornpooh-poohdisdainturn down