




1.十五分钟 ... in a hurry 匆忙地 21. quarter of an hour 十五分钟 22. without question 毫无疑问 23. ...

2.刻 ... 分 minute quarter of an hour 半 half ...

3.十五分钟一刻钟 walki home 步行回家 quarter of an hour 十五分钟一刻钟 be worried about 关心 ...

4.一小时的四分之一 ... 铭记[ engrave on one's mind] 时间单位,一小时的四分之一[ quarter of an hour] 刻薄;苛刻[ unkind;sarcastic] ...

5.时间单位 ... 铭记[ engrave on one's mind] 时间单位,一小时的四分之一[ quarter of an hour] 刻薄;苛刻[ unkind;sarcastic] ...


1.At the expiration of a quarter of an hour she left her sewing and went to read the Thenardiers' letter once more on the staircase.一刻钟过后,她丢下她的工作,跑到楼梯上又去读德纳第夫妇的那封信。

2.A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in Paris at once.不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事

3.She disputed with me a quarter of an hour yesterday about the cooking of the beef, she said I boiled it to rags.昨天为了烧牛肉,她同我吵了一刻钟,说我烧得太烂。

4.The subway was delayed for quite a while, or rather for a whole quarter of an hour.地铁阻塞了好一阵子,确切地说,有整整一刻钟霎时间。

5.I had been sitting out on the deck for more than a quarter of an hour when heavy clouds rose in the west.西天的浓云升起时我在外面甲板上已经坐了一刻多钟了。

6.So only a quarter of an hour we were in those under the non-stop rain in front of trying to find ways to entertainment.于是只有一刻钟大家在那下得不停的大雨面前,竭力想法子消遣。

7.The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later.其他的挤奶女工和老板自己,通常都要在床上多躺一会儿,要过了一刻钟才会露面。

8.But with luck, in the middle of the crowd, it would be safe to talk for a quarter of an hour and arrange another meeting.不过庆幸的是,在人群中谈个一刻钟及安排下次会面是件安全的事。

9.Cosette appped herself to her work once more, but for a quarter of an hour she felt her heart leaping in her bosom pke a big snow-flake.珂赛特照旧干她的活,可是在那一刻钟里,她觉得她的心就象一个皮球,在胸腔里直跳。

10.She remained thus for a quarter of an hour, her eyes riveted on the door, motionless and apparently holding her breath.她这样待了一刻钟,眼睛盯在门上,不动,好象也不呼吸。