


美式发音: [ˈeɪprən] 英式发音: ['eɪprən]




复数:aprons  同义词




1.围裙a piece of clothing worn over the front of the body, from the chest or the waist down, and tied around the waist. Aprons are worn over other clothes to keep them clean, for example when cooking.

2.(机场的)停机坪an area with a hard surface at an airport, where aircraft are turned around, loaded, etc.

3.台唇(舞台幕前的部分)the part of the stage that is in front of the curtain



n.1.something that you wear to protect the front of your clothes, especially when you are cooking2.a place at an airport where planes wait or turn around3.the part of a theater stage that sticks out toward the audience

1.围裙 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 围裙 pinafore (带护胸)围裙 ...

2.停机坪 毛边 - burr 停机坪 - apron 双工 - Duplex ...

3.码头前沿 泊位或码头 berth or pier 码头前沿 apron 前方堆场 marshalpng yard ...

4.挡板 miter 顶 apron 挡板 placement 放置,布置 ...

5.刀座帷 anthropometry;anthropometrics 人体测量学 apron 刀座帷;床鞍 architectura…

6.护坦 52. 闸墩 sluice pier 53. 护坦 apron 54. 海漫 apron extension ...

7.工作裙 approximately ad. 大概,大约 apron n. 围裙,工作裙 April n. 4 月 ...

8.散水 散束〖 debunching〗 散水apron〗 散摊子〖 part;disband〗 ...


1."They pke to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron, " said her grandfather.“那是因为它们喜欢站在阳光下,而不喜欢被关在一个围裙里啊,”爷爷说。

2.The apron did not dry quickly enough to suit me, so I drew nearer and threw it right over the hot ashes.湿围裙不会那么快就被烤干的,所以我就让它离火源更近一些,结果正好碰到了余烬。

3.Reluctantly she wiped her hands on her apron and went through the long narrow corridor to the front door.她不情愿地在围裙上擦擦手,经过长而窄的走廊来到大门。

4.Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos held a grand ceremony to see him off at the parking apron of the airport.安哥拉总理费尔南多·多斯桑托斯在机场停机坪举行了隆重的欢送仪式。

5.Wait a minute, I've got a pencil. (She pulls pencil and paper out of her apron pocket) That makes your commission.等一等,我有铅笔。(她从围裙袋里拿出笔和纸。)

6.Later, perhaps in a fit of remorse, KFC outfitted him in an apron to remind the world of his cupnary skill.后来,也许是内心有愧,肯德基店给他的形象穿上围裙,用来提醒人们他高超的烹饪技术。

7.Wear an apron over the front part of your clothes to keep them clean while cooking.做饭时,穿上围裙以保持衣服干净。

8.She hastened to wipe the soap bubbles off her hands with her apron, tidied up her hair, and greeted him with a beaming smile.秀嫂赶忙用围裙擦了擦手上的肥皂泡,把散落在额头上的碎发弄巴实,满面笑容上前迎客。

9.She was found on the west side of a local retirement home in an apron, carrying a mobile phone with a Snoopy strap.她是在当地一家养老院的西部发现的,穿着围裙,带着一部手机,上面系着一条史鲁比(Snoopy)带子。

10.Like the Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Anath hung the shorn penises of her victims on her goatskin apron or aegis.像蛇女神那样,安纳斯把她的受害者的阴茎挂在她山羊皮做的围裙或羊皮盾上。