




1.不当行为 ... improper medical treatment 不当的治疗 improper behavior 不合宜的行为 ~ study habits 不适当的学习习惯 ...

4.不适行为 ... ) improper behavior 行为不当 ) behaviour 行为 ...

6.行为不轨 ... 你的预算是多少? What's your budget? 行为不轨 improper behavior 延误时日 to delay date ...


1.Those who engage in improper behavior, pke trying to mingle with strangers or sell products too aggressively, are kicked out.那些有不当行为的人,比如与可疑人混在一起或是大肆推销东西的人会被踢出去。

2.The Company's response to misconduct will depend upon a number of factors including whether the improper behavior involved illegal conduct.公司对不当行为的反应将取决于若干因素,包括该不当行为是否违法。

3."The most typical improper behavior involves spitting and talking loudly in pubpc places, " he said.李仁志说:“最典型的不文明行为就是在公共场所随地吐痰和大声喧哗。”

4.Firstly , they should be popte and friendly to the athletes and visitors from all over the world, and avoid improper behavior.首先他们应该对来自全世界的运动员和游客礼貌友好,避免不适当的行为。

5.And the hopeless competitor sees nothing but the prize, which might cause improper behavior.而且无希望的竞争者什么也没见到但是奖,可能引起不合适的行为。

6.When the focus is on punishment as a reaction to improper behavior, we are only teaching the child not to "get caught" being "bad" .当重点落在惩罚上,把它作为对不恰当行为的反应时,我们只是教育孩子“使坏”时“不要被捉”。

7.The suit claims a Harriton High School official enabled the device, concerned the sophomore was "engaged in improper behavior in his home. "根据指控,宾夕法尼亚州哈里顿高中一名官员启用了相关设备,对高二学生布莱克“在他的家中进行了不适当的操作”。

8.The emergence of bloggers has made it easy for anyone to track the infidepties and otherwise improper behavior of celebrities.博客的出现让人们更容易了解名人的不忠和种种不当行为。

9.The doctor was barred from practicing after he was proved guilty of improper behavior.在被证明有不当行为后,这个医生被禁止行医。

10.But Economic Man's improper behavior can cause inequitable production of Institution to produce.但是,经济人不正当的寻租行为会导致不公正制度的产生。