

alteration:[英 [ˌɔ:ltəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɔltəˈreʃən] ]



alteration 基本解释

名词变更; 变化,改变

alteration 相关例句


1. The alterations to your coat will take a week.


2. My mother had to make some alterations in her new dress.


alteration 网络解释


1. 改变:12、既然已经选择和他共度人生,就不要幻想改变(alteration)他,能改变的只有自己. 教育是徒劳的,感化是可行的. 如果还是不行,在和他闹翻前准备好退路. 女人喜欢男人,这八成是错不了的,但女人永远不满意男人,这却是百分之百千真万确的.

2. 变质:炎症的基本病理变化包括变质(alteration)、渗出(exudation)和增生(proliferation). 在炎症过程中它们以一定的先后顺序发生,一般病变的早期以变质和渗出为主,病变的后期以增生为主. 但变质、渗出和增生是相互联系的. 一般说来变质是损伤性过程,

alteration 双语例句

1. It is confined by height and width when the little heating furance regenerative alteration.


2. However, coadministration of HQT at 1.5 h after VPA did not result in alteration on VPA pharmacokinetics.

然而於口服VPA 之后1.5 小时并服黄芩汤时,对 VPA 之动力学则无明显影响。

3. alteration的反义词

3. Depend on its excellent compression resilience, it is suitable for sealing spots where the alteration of temperature and pressure are frequent.


4. alteration的翻译

4. that has been reached are:major deposit types of iron deposits in China are sedimentary-meta-morphic type, magmatic type, contact alteration-hydrothermal type and volcanic type. Most of the iron deposits identified to date ha...


5. For the purposes of or incidental to the works or the use, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing propose that powers under section 20 of the Ordinance may be exercised to require alteration of the course or position of the existing utility services, such as electricity cables and ducts, telecommunication cables and ducts, water mains, gas mains and any other service apparatus lying within the limit of works area setting out the manner in which the course or position of such apparatus is to be altered and the repair of any road surface, will be issued under section 20 of the Ordinance as and when required.


6. Other affairs may result in alteration of shareholdings of Securities companies owned by them.


7. alteration

7. In order to enhance the expression level of scu--PA in E. coli, studies have deen done on the alteration of 3'end of scu--PA cDNA gene and on the use of DnaY gene, which product can improve the translation of rare Arg condon in scu--PA cDNA gene.


8. The results demonstrated that alteration of the surface residues did not affect the stability, overall structure and basic properties of the proteins, however, the recognotion, binding, electron transfer between proteinsn do change.



9. While laid up out of mission as provided for in Clause 4 below, including lifting or hauling out and launching, while being moved in shipyard or marina, dismantling, fitting out, overhauling, normal maintenance or while under survey (also to include docking and undocking and periods laid up afloat incidental to laying up or fitting out and with leave to shift in tow or otherwise to or from her lay-up berth but not outside the limits of the port or place in which the Vessel is laid up) but excluding, unless notice be given to the Underwriters and any additional premium required by them agreed, any period for which the Vessel is used as a houseboat or is under major repair or undergoing alteration


10. Furthermore, for convenience, we have constructed a database of facial features to facilitate the facial alteration process.


11. Myocardial fibrosis is characteristic by excessive fibrous tissue accumulation, collagen contents or ratio alteration in heart tissue. The abnormal collagen accrementition is the characteristic pathological change in viral heart disease including acute and chronic myocarditis and partial dilated cardiomyopathy.


12. It deepens the previous view that the alteration of conodont faunas was controlled by water depth and water temperature.


13. Each may attune to earth and request this alteration of energy flow, and so it will be.


14. After the founding of New China, there are very few private investment villa building, but the late 1980s, many city rich in Fragrance Hill feet of farmers to purchase houses, rehabilitation or alteration of the original concept, but seldom real estate development villas.



15. The contract contains similar situations to alter price; it shall be basis for price and contract price alteration.


16. In no alteration of HIF-1αprotein, nitric oxide donors, metavanadate and sodium nitroprusside, significantly abrogated DFO-induced apoptosis.

4一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)供体——钒酸钠(Sodium Metavanadate,vanadate)和硝普钠(Sodium Nitroprusside,SNP)都能够抑制DFO诱导的白血病细胞凋亡,但对CoCl2诱导的细胞凋亡没有抑制作用。

17. alteration是什么意思

17. Through the alteration of Buck from a pet dog to a wild animal, it analyzes the symbolic meaning of humanity, society and the writer`s philosophical ideas that contains in Buck`s images. Thus the readers not only understand the theme of novel more comprehensively and profoundly, but also realize the originality of animal as symbols.


18. Alteration of Old French erres pl.


19. Florid small glandular proliferation with infiltration of stroma and fat = microglandular adenosis pattern; marked cytologic atypia including prominent nucleoli; stroma alteration more than that of benign microglandular adenosis.


20. alteration的翻译

20. Alteration of tongue activity position is the key reason for functional speech disorders, which cause misarticulation, especially palatalized misarticulation, lateral misarticulation and inter-dental misarticulation.


alteration 词典解释

1. 改变;变更

An alteration is a change in or to something.

e.g. Making some simple alterations to your diet will make you feel fitter...


e.g. The structural alterations made to the house were planned with Gail's help.


2. 更改;改动

The alteration of something is the process of changing it.

e.g. Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration.


alteration 单语例句

1. " A bold alteration at speed would find the boat aground, " he added.

2. Mexico's Interior Department has said no federal official was involved in the alteration.

3. One group took small daily doses of fish oil and another was given sunflower oil with no other alteration to their normal diet.

4. And it would be exempt from requiring a building permit if the related construction work did not relate to any alteration of structural components.

5. Regular TV updates and splashy tabloid spreads detailed her every alteration for a rapt audience.

6. Lam said the department computerized the urine testing process in 2008 to avoid human contact or alteration.

7. The third fact is that China is speeding up its alteration from a planned to a market economy.

8. Such a goal apparently does not allow a dramatic alteration of the current family planning policy.

9. His father owns and runs a Chinese restaurant, and his mom owns and runs an alteration store.

10. The problem began in 2005 when Pearson brought several suits for alteration to Custom Cleaners in Northeast Washington.

alteration在线翻译alteration 英英释义



1. the act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment)

Synonym: modificationadjustment

2. the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification)

e.g. it would require a drastic revision of his opinion

Synonym: revision

3. an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another

e.g. the change was intended to increase sales

this storm is certainly a change for the worse

the neighborhood had undergone few modifications since his last visit years ago

Synonym: changemodification