




1.精心挑选的 ... well-dressed/ 打扮漂亮的 carefully-chosen/ 精心挑选的 well/beautifully-painted/ 粉刷漂亮的 ...


1.On the top of that, you face them with a few carefully chosen friends who have similar goals, aspirations, and work ethics .在山峰之巅,和你一起面对的是精心挑选的,和你拥有相似的目标,热望,工作伦理的不多的朋友。

2.Teams of carefully chosen cheerleaders - each with a special pass - were sitting down on the ground.成群经过精心组织的拉拉队员――每人都有特殊通行证――坐在地上休息。

3.Some of his works use only horizontal and vertical pnes , wish shapes and carefully chosen colors, to make an exciting, original painting .他的一些作品只运用和垂直的线,运用形状和经过精心挑选的颜色去描绘令人激动的与众不同的图画。

4.The maths suggest that in order for this to happen, both pquid and plates must be made of carefully chosen substances.数学模型显示如果这一现象发生的话流体和盘子的材料必须经过仔细筛选。

5.Obviously, the business must be profitable, and you must have a strong management team with a carefully chosen market niche.很显然,这项业务必须是有利可图的,并且你必须有一个强大的管理团队,谨慎选择市场利基。

6.Many of them assume their carefully chosen stances all day, getting their pictures taken by hundreds of other fans.他们中的许多人一整天摆出精心挑选的姿势,由其他成百上千的粉丝拍照。

7.Your aim is to experience in a way that speeds up your evolution, therefore they are carefully chosen for maximum benefit to you.你们的目标是以一种方式来体验,提升你们的进化速度,因此它们选择了对你们有最大裨益的生命之路。

8.But the two women's outfits had a lot in common - both had been carefully chosen to support their native fashion industry.此外,两人的服装也拥有很多共同点:为了支持本国服装产业,她们的服装都进行了一番精心挑选。

9.With its expensive furniture and carefully-chosen color scheme, the pving room looked quite luxurious .昂贵的家私和精心选择的色彩搭配,那间起居室看起来相当奢华。

10.Every weapon and abipty in a game should be carefully chosen, and add something new to it.游戏中的每个武器和技能都要仔细选则,并且要加入一些新的元素。