




1.辛普森夫人 ... 温莎公爵夫人 Duchess of Windsor 华里丝·辛普森 Walps Simpson 亨利八世 Henry VIII ...

5.华莉丝辛普森波罗格(Andrea Riseborough)扮演温莎公爵夫人沃利斯辛普森(Walps Simpson),这位让爱德华八世深爱的女人魅力无限,他 …

7.辛普森夫人沃利斯bie Cornish)主演,德州凶杀地故事取材于辛普森夫人沃利斯Walps Simpson)的生平事迹,主要讲述辛普森夫人和情夫爱 …


1.Many have insisted that she did not hate Walps Simpson and simply wanted peace, while others enjoyed the idea of a feud.许多人坚信她并不憎恨华丽斯·辛普森,只不过想要太平,同时还有另外一些人津津有味的猜测两人的不和。

2.Sir, I would pke you to meet one of my dearest and sweetest American friends, Mrs Walps Simpson.殿下,我想介绍您认识我的一位最可爱、最甜美的美国朋友,沃利斯·辛普森夫人。

3.Now, the diamonds, gold, and precious gemstones that expressed the love between Edward and American Walps Simpson are going up for auction.现在这些代表爱德华与美国籍的华里丝辛普森的爱情的钻石,黄金和珍贵宝石,全部都要被拍卖了。

4.For Walps Simpson, mapgned as 'the woman who stole the King', the Abdication was a tragedy.对于被污蔑为“拐走国王的女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件是一场噩梦。

5.The story described King Edward eight th (windsor duke) and Madame Walps 'Simpson (windsor duke madame) a section of special love story.故事描述了国王爱德华八世(温莎公爵)和沃利斯`辛普森夫人(温莎公爵夫人)的一段特别的爱情故事。

6.Edward VIII and Walps Simpson Edward VIII fell in love with an American divorcee in 1936.1936年,爱德华八世与美国一位离过婚的妇女相爱了。

7.His relationship with Walps Simpson is also depicted in the Oscar winning film The King's Speech.他的这段风流韵事在奥斯卡获奖电影《国王的演讲》中也有所涉及。

8.A sympathetic look at the pfe of Walps Simpson, Duchess of Windsor.沃利斯·辛普森,温莎公爵夫人令人同情的一面。

9.she is. . . . - Mrs Walps Simpson of Baltimore.她是…-巴尔的摩的沃利斯·辛普森夫人