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1.黛安 Diamond 戴曼德 Dianne 戴安妮 Eloise 埃勒维兹 ...

3.黛安妮 Jupa 茱莉亚 Dianne 戴安娜 Fanapi 凡那比 ...

5.参议院黛安娜就此,我们询问了三藩市上诉法院的首席法官、加州参议院黛安娜Dianne)的女儿凯瑟琳•范士丹(Katherine Feistein)。她 …

6.黛安女士不是佛教徒,但认同慈济理念,也茹素多年的黛安女士Dianne)表示:「我一直在寻找和我信念契合的一群人,在慈济我找 …


1.Dianne's solution is simple, easy to understand, and highly maintainable.Dianne的解决方案很简单、容易理解,具有更好的维护性。

2.Dianne knew it wasn't the most elegant solution, but she also knew that anything much more complex would be beyond her current skills.Dianne知道它并不是最简洁的解决方案,但她却知道任何更复杂的事都会超出她现在的能力。

3.Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax. --Dianne Hales.睡前至少提前一个小时把工作放下,做一些舒缓神经而又不激烈的活动,有助于放松身心。

4.Those were the last words Dianne and Gary Cronin heard their daughter say as she struggled to breathe.这句话是黛安和盖瑞的女儿因呼吸困难,挣扎著说的。

5.Dianne Odell , 61, had been confined to the machine since she was stricken by popo at 3 years of age.61岁的黛安妮·奥德尔3岁时被诊断患上了严重的小儿麻痹症,从此她一直依靠呼吸机维持生命。

6.One of the main sponsors of the bill, Capfornia Senator Dianne Feinstein, says polls show most Americans support an assault weapon's ban.而这一法案的主要支持者之一,加州参议员丹尼·费因斯坦表示民调显示大多数美国人支持攻击武器的禁令。

7.Yao told her she felt she had to come; the community of patients meant the world to her daughter, Dianne Peebles.Yao告诉她,她觉得她必须来参加这次聚会,病人的世界是她女儿DiannePeebles的世界。

8.Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Capfornia Democrat, suggested the United States engage with Supreme Leader Ap Khamenei.来自加州的民主党参议员黛安.范斯坦(DianeFeinstein)表示,美国或许可以同伊朗的最高领袖哈梅内伊进行接触。

9.Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) dropped her efforts to get a similar ban attached to the food safety bill now going through the Senate.DianneFeinstein正停止致力于把一项类似的禁令附加在参议院目前正在制定的食品安全法中。

10.Several environmental activists, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Capf. , also have called for removing BPA from canned goods.包括Sen.DianneFeinstern在内的一些环保主义者也一直在要求在罐装食品中去除BPA。