




1.六度空间夫曼(Reid Hoffman)还联合持有包括用“六度分隔法”(Six degrees)构建网络数据库和系统的专利以及其他多项关键性的社 …

4.六度连结 Sit Down,Shut Up 坐下!闭嘴!(动画) Six Degrees 六度连结 Smith 衣冠大盗 ...

5.六个人的小世界  在一本名为《六个人的小世界》(Six Degrees)的书中曾提到一个简单但很重要的观点——世界上任何两个人之间,最多只隔 …

6.六度连接中途被取消的剧集,上一部是《六度连接》(Six Degrees)。--[m[1;36m※ 来源:·飘渺水云间 zju88.org·[FROM: Audi][m发信 …

7.六层关系有人说,世界上每个人之间最多隔了六层关系(six degrees)。 @Miss J 11月 19日, 2010人气(11311)推荐(251) 犬跃龙门 段奕伦 …


1.They receive energy as they travel over warm water that has a temperature of at least twenty-six degrees Centigrade.他们收到的能量,因为他们有至少二十六个摄氏度的温度超过温水旅行。

2.The ship in waves can produce six degrees of motion as well as any rigid body: heave, sway, surge, pitch, roll and yaw.在波浪中航行的船舶像任何刚体一样可以产生6个自由度的运动分量:垂荡、横荡、纵荡、纵摇、横摇、艏摇。

3.I can connect any one of you by six degrees of separation to the Al-Shabaab miptia in Somapa.我能够将你们中的任何一个人用六度分离法同索马里的青年保卫兵联系起来。

4.His experiments, confirmed later with email tests, showed that we're all connected by no more than "six degrees of separation. "他的实验后来通过电子邮件测试确认,显示我们所有人之间的联系,都不超过“六度分隔”。

5.According to an old adage, six degrees separate each person from the next. It's not surprising that a similar principle works for business.有一句谚语说,任何两个人之间的关系,都不会远过六层。毫不奇怪,类似的原则也可用于商业社会之中。

6.The Jersey Health Report warns that with a rise in temperature by as much as six degrees, people will die from skin cancer and heat stroke.从泽西岛的健康报告中我们得出如下的警告:“随着岛上温度上升将近6度,岛民很有可能会遭受皮肤癌和心脏病的威胁”。

7.The phrase 'six degrees of separation' came into usage after the 1960s study by academic Stanley Milgram.六度分离这个短语由学院派人物斯坦利.米尔格拉姆在20世纪60年代提出。

8.Note: The North East will not come too early in spring, the date of floating in the zero to minus six degrees is not faring badly.东北的春天不会来的太早的,迄今为止浮动在零下六度到零度已是不错。

9.and the wire-feed pipe component can freely adjust the position of a welding wire outlet within six degrees of freedom.其送丝管组件能在六个自由度任意调节焊丝送出口的位置。

10.Kleinfeld points out that Milgram's claim for the six-degrees of separation could be an academic myth.克兰菲尔德指出,米尔格兰姆对于六度空间分隔理论的宣称是一个学术神话。