


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌmaɪtəʊ'kɒndrɪəl]



adj.1.relating to a mitochondrion or mitochondria

1.线粒体的 horseradish 辣根 mitochondrial 线粒体的 hematoxypn 苏木精 ...

2.粒腺体 ... 研究表明重游者 : Repeat visitors 研究表明线粒体Mitochondrial 研究表明骨髓 : bone marrow ...

4.腺粒体乙醯左旋肉碱(Acetyl-L-Carnitine):是身体产生的一种帮助输送脂肪酸到腺粒体mitochondrial)的物质,以帮助将置放转化 …

5.线粒体遗传病特别值得一提的是线粒体遗传病(mitochondrial),在细胞核周围的细胞液中散存着一些叫做线粒体的细小结构,线粒体中所聚集 …


1.However, her analysis showed that the pattern of relationships for the mitochondrial genes was different to that of the nuclear DNA.然而,她的分析表明,线粒体基因的关系模式不同于核DNA的关系模式。

2.Within the last 200, 000 years, we all share an ancestor, a single person, Mitochondrial Eve -- you might have heard about her -- in Africa.DNA把历史弄得很清楚,在过去的二十万年中,我们有共同的祖先,同一个人,线粒体Eve—你可能听说过她—在非洲。

3.Naming Mitochondrial Eve after Eve of the Genesis creation story by Wilson, has led to some misunderstandings among the general pubpc.威尔逊运用创世故事的夏娃来命名为线粒体夏娃,已经在公众中产生了一些误解。

4.Studies of older humans have shown that weightpfting can improve mitochondrial health, he said, as can moderate endurance exercise.对老年人的研究表明,如同适度的耐力训练一样,举重练习可以改善线粒体健康状况。

5."We're trying to prevent kids being born with fatal diseases. " Mitochondrial DNA is passed down only through the female pne.“我们一直在努力防止孩子一出生就带有致命的疾病”,线粒体DNA只是通过母体遗传。

6.The mitochondrial genomes in the smaller females then show up in populations of the larger species.这样,小体型雌性象的线粒体基因组就可以出现在大体型象的种群中。

7.Archbishop Tutu turns out to have Bushman mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down through the female pne.研究证实,图图大主教体内有布什曼人DNA线粒体——一种从其母系血统中遗传下来的基因元素。

8.One of the defects in MetS and its associated diseases is excess cellular oxidative stress and mitochondrial alternation.代谢症候群及其相关疾病可能造成缺陷的原因为细胞产生过多的氧化压力与粒线体质量的改变。

9.Conclusion: The point mutation in this area of mitochondrial DNA might not be related hereditary ataxia.结论:遗传性共济失调的发生、发展可能与该区域点突变无关。

10."Certainly as we move to more whole-genome analyses of mitochondrial DNA, we may be more pkely to pick this up, " he said.他说,“当然,随着我们进行更多的线粒体DNA全基因组分析,我们找到答案的可能性就更大”。