


美式发音: [ˈhwɪspər] 英式发音: [ˈwɪspə(r)]




第三人称单数:whispers  现在分词:whispering  过去式:whispered  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.whisper softly






1.[i][t]耳语;低语;私语;小声说to speak very quietly to sb so that other people cannot hear what you are saying

Don't you know it's rude to whisper?难道你不知道窃窃私语是不礼貌的吗?

What are you two whispering about?你们两人在低声说些什么?

‘Can you meet me tonight?’ he whispered.“你今晚能和我见面吗?”他小声问。

She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她探过身去附耳跟他说了些什么。

He whispered to me that he was afraid.他低声对我说他害怕。

2.[t][oftpass]~ that….it is whispered that…私下说;秘密告诉;悄声暗示to say or suggest sth about sb/sth in a private or secret way

It was whispered that he would soon die and he did.有人私下说他将不久于人世,他果然死了。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)沙沙作响;发飒飒声to make a soft, quiet sound


1.耳语(声);低语(声);私语(声)a low quiet voice or the sound it makes

They spoke in whispers .他们在交头接耳。

Her voice dropped to a whisper.她压低声音小声说话。

2.轻柔的声音a soft sound

I could hear the whispering of the sea.我听见大海在轻声诉说。

3.传言;谣传a piece of news that is spread by being talked about but may not be true

I've heard whispers that he's leaving.我听到传言,说他要走。



v.1.to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear you2.to tell other people a piece of news or information that may or may not be true3.to make a quiet gentle sound

n.1.a very quiet way of saying something so that other people cannot hear you2.something that someone says that may or may not be true3.a quiet gentle sound

1.耳语 shoulder n 肩; 肩部 whisper n 耳语;私语 turn around 转过身;转过来 ...

2.低语 《保持冷静》( stay cool 2009) 《低语》( Whisper,2007) 《迷失》( Lost,2004-2010) ...

3.护舒宝 荟诗( herbal whisper) 护舒宝( Whisper) 韩媛( HANUAN) ...

4.私语 shoulder n 肩; 肩部 whisper n 耳语;私语 turn around 转过身;转过来 ...

5.私下说 while conj. 在…的时候,和…同时 whisper v. 低语,私下说 whistle n. 口哨,口哨声 ...

6.低声说 tap 轻拍 whisper 低声说 movie <美>电影 ...

7.悄悄话 Yell—— 呐喊 Whisper—— 悄悄话 Emote—— 动作/表情 ...

8.细语 第二话 小镇 town 第三话 细语 whisper 第四话 羽 plume ...


1.If you were, I would whisper in your ear, tell you how much I love you.如果梦想真的实现了,我会在你的耳边轻言细语,告诉你我是多么的爱你。

2.Rescue me from the mire, Whisper words of desire. Rescue me - darpng rescue me. With your arms open wide, Want you here by me side.把我从困境众救出来,把你心中的渴望悄悄告诉我。救救我-亲爱的,救救我。张开你的双手,我需要你在我的身边。

3.It was a wonderful night, and nervous in the wind leaf, streams grass-grown whisper softly in the side.那是一个美妙而又紧张的夜晚,竹影在风中婆娑,溪水在身边轻轻地低吟。

4."Of one thing, my dear sister, " kindly he took her hand and spoke in an awful whisper.“有件事情,亲爱的妹妹,”他亲切地握住她的手,煞有介事地低声耳语。

5.I pat him on the back and sing for him in a whisper.我拍他的背部然后低声唱歌给他。

6.I couldn't catch what he said. He spoke in a pig's whisper.我听不清楚他说的什么,他说话的声音很轻。

7.Still, his throat felt as if he'd swallowed the rock in his hand. Because the whisper came again, low, personal, and husked with menace.尽管这样想,鲍比还是感觉喉咙发紧,仿佛吞下了手中的岩石。因为低语声再次传来,低沉,有目的性并且带着威胁。

8.'Tike care no one 'ears you, ' she added, in a whisper, though why she whispered she did not know.“当心别让人听见你,”她在他耳朵边小声地说,虽然她自己也不知道为什么要这样。

9.Whisper it quietly, and be prepared for accusations of heresy to rain down on your head, but that might be a deal worth making.谈论这个话题时小点声,并且准备好面对铺头盖脸而来的、说你传播异端邪说的指责。不过,这种做法可能是一笔物有所值的交易。
