

compendium:[英 [kəmˈpendiəm] 美 [kəmˈpɛndiəm] ]


  复数形式:compendiums; compendia;

compendium 基本解释



compendium 相关例句


1. compendium

1. The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy.



2. Instructions for using the tool can be found in the compendium.


compendium 网络解释

1. 概略:HCNet 是保存收集有心脏功能基因模块信息的专门数据库, 从计算的微阵列数据概略(compendium) 到GEO数据库. 那些研究心脏钙信号的实验者可以使用这些功能网络,它相伴有为了制定一个生物学意义假设的其他信息,例如表达profiles,


2. 概要:这样,他成了一个独立的实体,他的真实本质与神相同,他没有与神分裂 (separate from),而只是分离 (sever),他也不只是神的样式 (mode) 或属性,而是神自我展示的独立的结果,尽管他只是神圣理性的概要 (compendium),但是他没脱离父的理性.


3. 纲要:社会企业网络(SVN)的CSR标准,定位于CSR的综合纲要(compendium),包括伦理、责任透明和内部治理3项一般标准和投资者、员工、商业伙伴、消费者、社区和环境6项利益相关者标准;每类标准都有明确的原则、改进措施、衡量指标和工具资源等四项具体内容.

compendium 双语例句

1. In the investigation, based on the compendium of basic educate course reform and Course Standard of Art, the mode theory was established.


2. You can look at the previous medical records, such as the type of book Compendium of Materia Medica.


3. compendium什么意思

3. According to stage intermediary report, the course of high school history in Taiwan controversy a long time is provisional compendium draft eventually decide on a verdict.


4. There can be no doubt that, in judging the heinousness of sin and in distinguishing between mortal and venial sins, the subjective element must be taken into consideration, However, every compendium of moral theology, no matter how casuistical, meets this requirement.

因此,可以毫无疑问的是,在判断heinousness的单仲偕和区分凡人venial罪孽,主观因素必须加以考虑,但是,每一个汇编的道德神学,不管如何casuistical ,符合这一要求。


5. I one, reorganizes a speech compendium immediately, each media saw me, revolved me immediately around the Loess Highlands establishment Group, asked the question unceasingly, I 11 have made the reply.


6. When heterogeneous data integration system administrates information integrated in it, directory service is the compendium of it, so the directory service is extremely important and irreplaceable for heterogeneous data integration system.


7. It is recorded in Notes Written in Dream written by Shen Kuo (a scientist in the Northern Song Dynasty) that Shoulang Yam described in Compendium of Materia Medica has not been verified carefully.


8. It lacks cohesion and feels haphazard, a compendium of facts with only one common thread: Logan finds them interesting.



9. The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy.



10. I like the Urban Dictionary because it captures people's understanding and use of words and phrases independent of their actual meaning; it's therefore as much a gauge of human psychology as it is a compendium of slang.


11. According to "Compendium of Materia Medica"(the ancient masterpiece on traditional Chinese medicine), Thuja is a kind of long-live plant which is edible, non-toxic, antirheumatic, nourishing the viscera.



12. Compendium of Materia Medica containing shrimp, Xieqiao Poyu Xiaoji with the function, for the treatment of bleeding Jizhi, rib pain, abdominal pain, pain milk, chilblain, and so on.



13. In 1618 she published a collection of thirty-six solo songs and soprano/bass duetsthat is a compendium of contemporary styles, ranging from intensely moving, harmonically adventurous laments to joyful sacred songs in Italian and Latin to witty strophic songs about the joys and perils of romantic love.


14. The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature.


15. compendium

15. Cast your mind back to your childhood days and awaken your senses and memories with this heart-warming compendium of mouth watering and irresistible cookie recipes.


16. Among these are a cowcatcher (to protect straying cattle and people from oncoming trains), the single penny postage idea for England, railway signals, the speedometer, ideas on game theory, system of signaling for lighthouses, a compendium of all manufacturing methods and engineering work in Britain.



17. I've stolen the Compendium, but I can't read it any more than Captain Moira could.


18. The Compendium of Materia Medica is a complete and huge medical work from the ancient times of China.


19. The famous medical expert Li shizhen in our country once also mentioned in Compendium of Materia Medica that using goose's belly downs which are soft and warm to make clothes and quilts can particularly cure baby's scare.


20. Compendium of Materia Medica, explained the so-called five blue, tea is blue, blue Polygonum, Ma Lan, Miss Blue Blue and wood.


compendium 词典解释

1. (通常指书中的)概要,纲要

A compendium is a short but detailed collection of information, usually in a book.

e.g. The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.


compendium 单语例句

1. The National Intellectual Property Strategy includes the Compendium as well as twenty thematic studies.

2. Then a hotel owner might have gone to the wife of the only Japanese person they knew in town to translate the guest compendium.

3. The compendium says that more urban public facilities and entertainment sites will be encouraged in newly developed areas beyond the Third Ring Road.

4. The release of the compendium marked the formal launch of the implementation of the national intellectual property strategy.

5. The office yesterday released a strategic compendium for the development of Guangdong's IPR over the next 13 years.

6. " China will research and establish special unified tribunals to deal with IPR cases, " the Compendium says.

7. Instead, it collaborates on books with Britain's Compendium Publishing Ltd from the earliest planning phase.

8. Wen said both sides should work on concrete measures to implement the compendium.

compendium的翻译compendium 英英释义


1. a concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work

2. a publication containing a variety of works

Synonym: collection