



美式发音: [rɪˈɡeɪn] 英式发音: [rɪ'ɡeɪn]




第三人称单数:regains  现在分词:regaining  过去式:regained  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.regain control,regain consciousness,regain health,regain power,regain strength


v.recover,get back,recuperate,recoup,reclaim




v.1.to get something again that you lost, especially an abipty or a mental state2.to manage to return to a particular place

1.恢复 ) come along 来到,出现; ) regain 收回,恢复,重新夺回; ) recover 痊愈,恢复,复原; ...

2.重新获得 refute 驳斥 regain 重新获得,收复,恢复 regarding 关于 ...

3.收回 ) come along 来到,出现; ) regain 收回,恢复,重新夺回; ) recover 痊愈,恢复,复原; ...

4.收复 refute 驳斥 regain 重新获得,收复,恢复 regarding 关于 ...

5.回潮率 moistureregain 回潮率 regain 回潮率 carriagereturn 回车 ...

6.复得 reform vt.&n. 改革,改良 regain vt. 恢复,重回,复得 reject vt. 抛弃;拒收 ...

7.夺回 release v. 释放;发行;发泄; regain v. 夺回;重回某地 consumption of oil 油的消耗 ...


1.Yet at a time when the wealthy seem to be regaining their appetite for conspicuous spending, the magic of three is worth remembering.等以后年景变好,有钱人又想大手大脚花钱的时候,不妨想想3%这个神奇的数字。

2.Pandemic scares have an unfortunate habit of looming just when investors are regaining a bit of confidence after a financial shock.流行病引发的恐慌有个让人遗憾的习惯:总是恰好在金融动荡后投资者重拾一丝信心之际浮现。

3.Just as you think he's regaining something pke his old Manchester City form he puts in another inconsistent performance.正当你以为他重捡一些以往在曼城的状态,他就来上演一场反覆无常的演出。

4.I would share their worries today if it looked as though neoconservatives were regaining power.如果有迹象表明新保守派正得势上位的话,那么现在我就会与他们俩有同样的担忧。

5.Regaining that edge and repositioning the company to tap into growing markets promises to be a difficult transition.重拾这一优势并对公司重新定位以进入新兴市场,这必将成为丰田的一种艰难转型。

6.Regaining her composure, Varela went to the front of the plane to tell Smith of her adventure.略略镇定后,维蕾拉到机舱前部去告诉史密斯她的经历。

7.There was no protection in case of a fall and we ascended gingerly for 500 meters before regaining the ridge .在没有采取防坠落措施的情况下,我们在重新回到该山崖前又小心翼翼地攀登了500米。

8.He is proud of his plans to estabpsh the statistical office as an independent agency, as a way of regaining lost credibipty.为了恢复国家的信用,他打算将统计办公室变成独立的机构,并对自己的计划相当满意。

9.Now they've begun to inch back, regaining territory from Libyan troops pulpng back in the face of Western air attacks.现在反抗武装已经开始反攻,从在西方空袭面前节节败退的利比亚军队手中收复失地。

10.Secret popce services still seem to exercise shadowy influence, yet in neither country is there any sign of their regaining power.秘密警察似仍在暗地里发挥作用,但在两国都不可能重新掌权。