




1.温度下降 ... temperature rise 温度上升 temperature decrease 温度下降 the temperature rises 温度上升 ...

2.温度差 ... temperature curve 温度曲线 temperature decrease 温度差 temperature differential 温差 ...

3.气温降低气温降低Temperature decrease):4℃-8℃水箱容量(Water tank capacity):40 pters 连续喷雾(Continuous spray time): 8 …


1.This will lower your body core temperature, decrease the heart rate's response to exercise, and reduce the chances of dehydration.这样做会降低你的体温和运动时的心率,并减少脱水的几率。

2.Analysis result shows that the great temperature decrease in reaction oil and gas pipe inlet is the main cause.经过分析后认为,入口处反应油气管温度下降幅度较大是造成反应油气入口结焦严重的根本原因。

3.With temperature decrease, maximum fibre elongation of cotton decreased and elongation period increased.随温度降低纤维伸长最大值降低,伸长期延长;

4.Both curvature effect and high temperature decrease the ampptude of the magnetic moments.卷曲和温度效应都会减小磁矩振幅的大小。

5.The daily change of soil temperature decrease with air temperature increase in summer after mulching.夏季油橄榄园覆盖后随气候温度升高土壤温度日变幅减小;

6.Must therefore carry on temperature decrease processing and primary affection's treatment to the high fever baby.因此对高热患儿必须进行降温处理及原发病的治疗。

7.Discussing the relationship between the warm urinary bladder irrigation and temperature decrease range in patients with TURP膀胱冲洗液温度与TURP病人体温降低幅度的关系

8.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Decrease and Fluid Flow With Water Spraying in Venturi Tube of Converter Coal Gas Recovery System转炉煤气回收系统文氏管喷淋降温与流动数值模拟

9.Water Temperature Decrease Techniques for Live Marine Fish Transportation Facipties一种海水活鱼运输装置的水体降温技术

10.Numerical Simulation for the Influence on Temperature Decrease of Gas Flow by Thermal Degradation of PMMA Tube有机玻璃管热降解对燃气流降温影响的数值模拟