


美式发音: ['lektɪn] 英式发音: ['lektɪn]





n.1.a protein found mainly in seeds and grains and their products, belonging to a group that binds to carbohydrates and causes blood cells to clump together.

1.凝集素凝集素Lectin)是指一种从各种植物,无脊椎动物和高等动物中提纯的糖蛋白或结合糖的蛋白,因其能凝集红血球(含血型物 …

2.外源凝集素外源凝集素(Lectin) 也是一种抗营养因子,通过资源筛选已获得了不含外源凝集素的种质,其基因型为lele 。2.2.3  油脂组分 在过去 …

3.植物凝集素植物凝集素(Lectin)是含有至少一个非催化结构域并可特异结合到单糖或寡糖上的植物蛋白,广泛分布于豆科、茄科、大戟科、禾 …

4.植物凝血素植物凝血素Lectin)对有些害虫来说是有毒的,转食品不得含有此类有毒物质  (4),减少食品的营养价值或降解食品中重要 …



1.Legume lectins, the largest lectin family in plants, were the most investigated ones in terms of their biological properties.豆科凝集素是植物凝集素中最丰富,也是研究最多的一类凝集素。

2.Only greetings of a soft, thoughts and is a caring, loving thick, lectin, in that short phrase.只是一声轻声的问候,是一份挂念和关怀,浓浓的爱,都凝集在那短短几个字里。

3.In laboratory tests, they found that a lectin called BanLec was as potent as two current HIV drugs.他们发现在实验室测试中,发现一种在香蕉的凝集素BanLec与当前的两种艾滋病药物一样有效。

4.However, the presence of lectin in Musca domestica pupae has not been reported before.然而,有关家蝇血淋巴具有免疫活性的凝集素报道很少。

5.The activity of the lectin can be spghtly inhibited by D-xylose and N-acetylglucosamine.此凝集素的凝血活性能被D-木糖及N-乙酰葡萄糖胺轻微地抑制。

6.BT potatoes with genes added to produce GNA lectin ( a natural poison found in snowdrops) have also been found to kill ladybirds.BT转基因马铃薯,被添加了产生雪花莲外源凝集素(在雪花莲中发现的一种天然毒素)的基因,也被发现可以杀死瓢虫。

7.C-type lectin-pke proteins have lower structural similarity but distinct biological activities.C-型凝集素样蛋白的结构变异度大,活性亦具有多样性。

8.Objective: To explore the relationship between neural tube development of the mouse embryos and lectin windings of WGA, RCA and ECL.目的:探讨WGA、RCA和ECL凝集素受体与小鼠胚胎神经管发育的关系。

9.Objective To investigate the location and distribution of lectin-receptors in the apocrine sweat gland tumors.目的探讨皮肤大汗腺肿瘤细胞表面凝集素受体的变化规律及意义。

10.Wild carrot lectin was isolated and purified by chromatography on CM-cellulose and DEAE-cellulose.采用CM-纤维素及DEAE-纤维素对南鹤虱凝集素进行分离纯化。