

scrutiny:[英 [ˈskru:təni] 美 [ˈskrutni] ]



scrutiny 基本解释

名词监督; 细看,细阅; 仔细的观察

scrutiny 同义词



scrutiny 反义词




scrutiny 相关例句


1. No statement about the company can be released without his scrutiny.


2. scrutiny什么意思

2. After a moment's scrutiny, she pretended to recognize him.


3. The diamond passed the scrutiny of the jeweler.


4. His work looks all right, but it will not bear scrutiny.


scrutiny 网络解释

1. scrutiny什么意思

1. 详细审查:在受到(Scrutiny)政党路线的散播者冷酷而盲目的攻击后,斯彭德在1949年的(The Edge of Being)和1971年的(The Generous Days)之间一本诗作也没有出版过.

2. 精细研究:scrutiny program 检查程序 | scrutiny 精细研究 | SCS 槽状交错层理

scrutiny 双语例句

1. If the organization has not approved my request to join the party, I would like to move closer to party organizations, to actively report on the organization's thinking of the individual activities, work, study and become an exemplary life, do our own work, so that the organization had told me in a deeper, more Scrutiny.


2. It challenges the Talmudic tradition, with its hyper-rational scrutiny of texts.


3. scrutiny

3. We'd be under less scrutiny and under less pressure.


4. But with such largesse comes regular scrutiny of results and an assessment system that can be unforgiving of those who fail.


5. He has subjected her recent work to close scrutiny.


6. Zhang devotes considerable screen time to the details of the palace's daily rituals as if scrutiny of these formalized routines involving maids, courtiers and eunuchs will reveal something about the malevolent rot beneath the surface.


7. For their scrutiny and may be used as evidence for their further action.


8. scrutiny在线翻译

8. His briefer record as prime minister since June 2007 will come under scrutiny too.


9. Friends and relatives who helped to run the firm remain under scrutiny.


10. Because higher containment levels require more scrutiny, the BSO serves as an additional contact beyond the IBC.

因为高防护等级需要更多的细察,生物安全官为 IBC 以外的生物安全相关联系者。

11. But it seems scrutiny of the CIA's activities in Europe is unlikely to dwindle.



12. All this comes at a time when television is subject to greater scrutiny than ever before--dating back, at least, to then Vice President Dan Quayle's famous 1992 speech in which he lambasted the character Murphy Brown for choosing to have a child out of wedlock.

由于电视审查制度越来越严格的现状,使得这些变故一股脑的到来——追溯过去,我们还记得1992年副总裁Dan Quayle那个有名的演讲,他斥责了Murphy Brown未婚生子的行为。

13. Melatonin in beverages has come under regulatory scrutiny. The FDA issued a Jan. 13 warning letter to Innovative Beverage stating that melatonin, an ingredient in Drank, is not an approved food additive.

饮料中的褪黑素受到监管机构的严格审查。1月13日,FDA向Innovative Beverage发了警告函,说Drank中的成分褪黑素不是经过批准的食品添加剂。

14. The Big Four accounting firms in Australia have subjected themselves over the past three years to the scrutiny of a body known as theAudit Quality Review Board, which reviewed the firms audit functions and made suggestions for improvement.



15. The Big Four accounting firms in Australia have subjected themselves over the past three years to the scrutiny of a body known as the Audit Quality Review Board, which reviewed the firms audit functions and made suggestions for improvement.


16. The contents of the book is very comprehensive, including safety regulations, safety management, hazard analysis and control, accident investigation, safety analysis, and various types of occupational safety and risk management and control (such as acceleration, drops, drop objects, collision, mechanical injury, musculoskeletal scrutiny, heat and temperature, pressure, electrical, fire, explosion, toxic substances, restrictions on space entry, radiation, vibration and noise, computer use, etc.).


17. scrutiny

17. But he's under scrutiny by the new Vampire King because of their relationship.


18. In its analysis, different parts of the computer from hardware to software will be put under scrutiny.


19. scrutiny的意思

19. At least for the next hours he wouldn't be under scrutiny.


20. Engines exposed for scrutiny, American Peter McMillan, at right, and Australian copilot Lang Kidby test their ship over England before setting out for the land down under.


scrutiny 词典解释

1. 详细的检查(或审查);仔细的观察

If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

e.g. His private life came under media scrutiny...


e.g. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.


scrutiny 单语例句scrutiny

1. I don't know how that error had slipped by our scrutiny.

2. He denied criticism by human rights groups that the military often investigated abuses only after they had come under media scrutiny.

3. Six thousand of China's top industrial polluters will get closer scrutiny by the country's top environmental watchdog.

4. Referees at the Confederations Cup in Germany will be under scrutiny by FIFA to call the shots correctly.

5. The question is, can it take the sometimes painful scrutiny and do what's right?

6. The case has brought the lottery system under scrutiny and has completely undermined the public's trust in it.

7. Japan's privatized building inspection system has come under scrutiny, with experts saying inspectors were under pressure to certify buildings quickly to gain more business.

8. WikiLeaks has been under intense international scrutiny over its disclosure of a mountain of classified US cables that have embarrassed Washington and other governments.

9. Although the " four evils " campaign will include producing and selling illegal additives, clenbuterol will just be one of many subject to police scrutiny.

10. Its implosion and the subsequent scandals scared off investors, increased regulatory scrutiny over publicly traded companies and prompted Congress to stiffen white collar penalties.

scrutiny在线翻译scrutiny 英英释义



1. the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

Synonym: examination

2. a prolonged intense look