

grammatical:[英 [grəˈmætɪkl] 美 [ɡrəˈmætɪkəl] ]


grammatical 基本解释


grammatical 相关例句


1. One cannot learn a language well merely by learning its grammatical rules.


2. That is not a grammatical sentence.


3. He writes perfectly grammatical English.


4. There are many grammatical errors in his composition.


grammatical 网络解释

1. 语法的:语法是语言的架构或运行机制,它限定了语言的组合范围,即什么是合语法的(grammatical词汇则是语言的表征手段,更确切地说是意义创生的手段. 算法是深层表征,意指是表层表征. 在算法层面,符号和运算严格遵守结构依赖原则和投射原则,

2. 语法:衔接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有逻辑 (Logical)、语法(Grammatical)和语义 (Semantic) 三方面的连接词 (Connectors). 对于内容 (Ideas) 而言,应该注意的是不要出现跑题. 有的考生由于词汇量有限,导致题目中的单词不认识,

3. 文法的:grammarian 文法家 | grammatical 文法的 | gramme 克

4. grammatical

4. 语法的,符合语法的:grammar 语法;语法书 | grammatical 语法的,符合语法的 | gramophone 留声机

grammatical 双语例句


1. Readability depends on many factors, including the average length of sentences in a passage, the number of new words a passage contains, the grammatical complexity of the language used, etc.


2. grammatical的反义词

2. We can readily give some sentences which are grammatical but not accounted for by our tentative rules



3. In the study of time relation of verbs in serial verb constructions, people only differentiated two time-types--actions successive from actions simultaneous, did not survey the correspondence between time-types and grammatical forms.


4. grammatical的反义词

4. A clause is a grammatical unit that includes, at minimum, a predicate and an explicit or implied subject, and expresses a proposition.



5. Liu Dianjue's mistake was not so much grammatical as it was in conflating the two quotations.


6. The lexicalization of phrases is an important source of dissyllabic words in the Chinese language. Through a quantitative analysis of 93 cases this paper discusses some characteristics of lexicalization of phrases as shown through the study of structural patterns, semantic limitations, and changes in grammatical attributes and phonology after lexicalization.


7. The place and type of grammatical instruction within language learning has been the subject of second language acquisition research and discussion over the last decades.


8. It is hard for learners to understand the meaning of the vague numerals only by grammatical and lexical analysis.


9. This subsample of our patients was divided into five groups according to their grammatical ability. Figure 7.11 shows the result.


10. There are a few grammatical errors, but all in all it is a good essay.


11. He can speak English, but they are not grammatical.


12. But despite its utility, many people still regard it as a grammatical error.



13. Neurocognitive Linguistics; the cognitive functional model; transfer clauses; conceptual structures; grammatical structures


14. A dangling modifier is a group of word that has no grammatical connection to any element in the sentence.


15. A leading alphabetic character means it's a grammatical assertion i. e.


16. The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon.


17. Based on Hallidays Functional Grammar, this thesis investigates the similarities and differences between English and Chinese in thematic structure, which is the grammatical realization of the textual meaning, and how these similarities and differences influence translation.



18. The relationship between two main characters in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea is analyzed with Halliday's grammatical metaphor.



19. Lexical chunks are the unity of grammatical rules, semantic meanings and pragmatic contexts.


20. grammatical

20. It is not possible to draw clear boundaries around a language or a dialect in terms of pronunciation, writing system, or grammatical features.


grammatical 词典解释

1. 语法的;文法的

Grammatical is used to indicate that something relates to grammar.

e.g. Should the teacher present grammatical rules to students?


e.g. ...grammatical errors.



...grammatically correct language.


2. 符合语法规则的;符合文法的

If someone's language is grammatical, it is considered correct because it obeys the rules of grammar.

e.g. ...a new test to determine whether students can write grammatical English.



One in five undergraduates cannot write grammatically.

有1/5的本科生写作不合语法规则。grammatical 单语例句

1. Her Chinese fans might correct her grammatical mistakes and in return she charms them with tales of her American school life.

2. Over the centuries its grammar has become progressively simplified and increasingly open to dialectal modification, so that grammatical " correctness " is often variable or uncertain.

3. These include misspellings or grammatical errors in job advertisements, or a contact email address that is not the primary domain of the alleged organization.

4. Proofread it carefully and make sure that it's free of spelling and grammatical mistakes.

5. Not a lot perhaps - the serious murmur of discussion, the calm voice of a lecturer explaining a grammatical point.

6. It does help to have someone with a thorough understanding of your own language to answer some of those trickier grammatical and idiomatic questions.

7. He is a politician not a literary luminary or a grammatical guru.

8. All three displayed advanced Chinese language skills with zero grammatical errors, says Huang.

9. Knowing the grammatical rules is one thing but being able to use it well is quite another.

10. The Chinese language is said to have no grammatical tense, but netizens have changed that.

grammatical的翻译grammatical 英英释义


1. conforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers

e.g. spoke in grammatical sentences

Synonym: well-formed

2. of or pertaining to grammar

e.g. the grammatic structure of a sentence

grammatical rules

grammatical gender

Synonym: grammatic