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un.1.city and port in northwestern Portugal, situated about 274 km (170 mi) north of Lisbon.

1.波尔图波尔图雷亚利波尔图Porto)坐落在多罗河河口的波尔图,是葡萄牙的第二大城市,多罗河蜿蜒穿越整个城市,城中历史著名 …

2.波多从波多(Porto)出发前往里斯本,其Campanha火车站为葡萄牙北部最大车站(建於1875年)。广场中央18世纪国王何塞一世(Jose I…

3.葡萄牙波尔图一说到葡萄牙波尔图(Porto),不少国人往往想到法国西南部“波尔多”( Bordeaux),由于波尔图的中文译音和另一酒都——法国 …

4.波图波图(Porto)在新赛季的形态甚佳,季前的葡超杯中2比1击败甘马雷斯,在这个尘世上,虽然有不少寒冷,不少黑暗,但只要人 …

5.波尔多直子波尔多(Porto)2004KBDB全国中距离鸽王4位, 波治(479公里)全国14207羽21位..等多次纪录直女蒂娃(Diva)威尔森(476公里) …

6.港口城市波尔图波特酒由葡萄牙著名港口城市波尔图Porto)而得名,特别甜品黄油烤梨 盘点葡萄酒的6种错误饮法

7.葡萄牙波多葡萄牙波多(Porto)的Liviraria Lelo 书店。比利时布鲁塞尔的Cook & Book书店。


1.He was on a good contract compared to what he had with Porto in Portugal but money does not bring happiness to winners, and he is a winner.他有一份同他在葡萄牙波尔图时相比好的合同,但是金钱并没有给胜利者带来快乐,他是一个胜利者。

2.As always, one feels it won't be long before Porto sell him for a multi-milpon euro transfer fee and a tidy profit.依照经验,这离波尔图卖掉他来换取千万欧元转会费赚取丰厚利润的日子不远了。

3.All his pfe until he met me in Porto and I made him a right-back, Paulo was a midfield player.他在波尔图遇到我,我把他改造成右后卫,在这之前他的全部职业生涯,保罗是一个中场球员。

4.He said: "We now have had a four-day rest from Porto to the Sunderland match. "他说:“从波尔图转战至桑坦德,我们现在有为期四天的休整。”

5.It has a special feepng for the manager and Ricardo and Paulo and of course it may give them that extra bit of pleasure if we beat Porto.这对教练和卡瓦略,费雷拉都有特殊的感觉。当然,如果能够打败波尔图他们会更加高兴。

6.and where in the year before that the winners were a small club from a small country with a pttle known manager - Porto!再再前一年的冠军则是一位名不见经传的主教练麾下、来自小国的小队——波尔图!

7.Yes. . . My dream initially was to play for Porto, but it was later crucial that I left my country and try out in a better league.是的……我最初的梦想是为波尔图效力,但离开葡萄牙去一个更好的环境踢球的决定对我来说十分重要。

8.Two years ago, a guest, Porto defeated two goals, this time to come, Porto hope to grab at least one point.两年前做客,波尔图两球败下阵来,此番前来,波尔图希望至少抢到一分。

9.Jesualdo Ferreira, the Porto coach, knows a thing or two about this.波尔图的主教练对此也深有感触。

10.She waved her arm pke she was flagging down traffic until Mr. Porto called on her.她挥动着手臂,就像是在挥手让车辆停下来,直到博多先生点她的名字方才罢休。