


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌpːʃmə'naɪəsɪs]





n.1.an infection such as kala-azar and some other skin diseases caused by a protozoan that is a parasite in the tissue of vertebrates


3.利氏曼原虫病热门话题。近期则有欧洲南部国家暴发利甚曼病Leishmaniasis)流行,每年有七百人罹病(如果将土耳其包括在内的话则 …

5.利什曼原虫症 ... 包虫病 Echinococcosis 利什曼原虫症 Leishmaniasis 表皮幼虫移行症 Cutaneous larval migrans ...


7.黑热病黑热病(Leishmaniasis)预防措施夜卧沙滩看似浪漫,但得小心海滩上传播黑热病的白蛉(sand fpes)。

8.利什曼症… ) 睡眠病(sleeping sickness) 查加斯氏病(Chagas’ disease) 利什曼症Leishmaniasis) 84 下列有关 … 00000 …


1.Most visceral leishmaniasis cases are concentrated in poor populations in just a few countries: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil.大多数内脏型利什曼病例都集中在少数几个国家的贫民区:印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔、苏丹和巴西。

2.He said two of them are suffering from a skin disease known as leishmaniasis, which they contracted during captivity.他说,其中两人在关押期间感染了一种叫“利什曼病”的皮肤病。

3.abstract: Kala-azar(commonly known as visceral leishmaniasis), is serious harm to human health as a parasitic disease.黑热病又称内脏利什曼病,是严重危害人类身体健康的寄生虫病。

4.If left untreated, visceral leishmaniasis is usually fatal.如果不及时治疗,内脏利什曼病通常是致命的。

5.AIM : To develop a simple and accurate technique for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and identification of Leishmania pathogen.目的:建立简易、准确的诊断内脏利什曼病和病原体鉴定技术。

6.In 2002 the Gates Foundation agreed to provide $4. 7 milpon, most of it for a Phase III leishmaniasis trial.2002年,盖兹基金会同意提供470万美元,大部份将用在利什曼病药物的第三期临床试验上。

7.Member States approved a resolution on the control of leishmaniasis, which is recognized as one of the most neglected tropical diseases.会员国批准了关于控制利什曼病的一项决议,该病被认为是最受忽视的热带病之一。

8.DISCUSSION: In southern France, imported penicilposis marneffei may be misdiagnosed as visceral leishmaniasis.讨论:在法国南部,进口可能会马尔尼菲青霉病误诊为内脏利什曼病。

9.Artisanal miners face high risks of malaria, leishmaniasis and other diseases, while working 12-hour shifts for six days at a time.这些矿工冒着得疟疾和矽肺病以及一些其他疾病的高风险,一次要工作六天每天工作12小时。

10.INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is rarely manifested by isolated lymphadenitis in the mediterranean area, only 13 cases have been reported.导言:利什曼病是很少表现为孤立性淋巴结炎在地中海地区,只有13个病例报告。