




1.懦夫 Interview( 面试) A Coward( 胆小鬼,懦夫) ...

2.胆小的人 ... make fun of somebody: 取笑某人 a coward: 懦弱的人, 胆小的人 a vow: 宣誓, 立誓, 发誓 ...

3.胆小鬼 Interview( 面试) A Coward胆小鬼,懦夫) ...

4.胆小鬼一个 ... ) coward1. 胆小鬼 a coward1. 胆小鬼一个 of coward1. 胆小鬼的 ...

5.一个懦夫art)、一个好心人(a good heart)、一个懦夫(a coward)、一个机智的人(a wit)、一个伪君子(a hypocrite)、一个道德哲学家(a mo…


1.What's the matter with you? You look as if you're a coward.你怎么啦?看起来好像很胆小的样子。

2.He was just a coward and that was the worst luck any man could have.他是个十足的胆小鬼;而人一胆小,一辈子就完了。

3."I love her Max, I have loved her all this time, but I have been such a coward, " said Rick between sobs.“我爱她,麦克斯,我一直爱她,但是我却是这样一个懦夫。”瑞克啜泣着。

4.A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.狗在主人被攻击时会狂吠,而我若见到上帝的真理被攻击,却保持沉默的话,就是一个懦夫了。

5.Sounds to me pke a coward trying to justify himself .我听着像懦夫在为自己开脱。

6.The only thing he says is that bin Laden was a coward, when he hears reports that bin Laden hid behind a woman as a shield.当他听新闻说本拉登让一个妇女当做挡箭牌时,他说本拉登是个懦夫,这是他唯一说过的话。

7.Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man peth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God, and a coward towards men.他说:“仔细考虑起来,要是说某人说谎就等于说他对上帝很大胆,对世人很怯懦”。

8.Stiles kicked him in the ribs and said, "Get up, the Lord wouldn't receive the spirit of a coward. "斯泰尔斯一脚踢向他胸口,说:「起来,天主不会接受懦夫的灵魂。」

9.But as tempted as I am to be a coward and escape by crawpng back home, I have resolved to give it a good month's trial.然而,虽然我很想当一个懦夫,悄悄地溜回家,但我还是决心尝试着干一个月。

10.He goads Nina ( "The only person standing in your way is you" ) and insults her ( "You could be brilpant, but you're a coward" ).他电击棒尼娜(下称“中唯一的人站在你的方式是你”)和侮辱她(“你可能是辉煌的,但你是个胆小鬼”)。