

bereft:[英 [bɪˈreft] 美 [bɪˈrɛft] ]


过去式:bereaved; bereft;   过去分词:bereaved; bereft;   现在分词:bereaving;

bereft 基本解释

形容词失去亲人的; 被剥夺的; 丧失的


bereft 网络解释

1. 被剥夺的:bereavement 丧亡 | bereft 被剥夺的 | beret 贝雷帽

2. 失去亲人的:bereft 丧失的 | bereft 失去亲人的 | bereft 被剥夺的


3. 寡丧:Benji Off the Leash 本吉:营救大逃亡! | Bereft 寡丧 | Bernard and Doris 伯纳德与桃瑞丝

4. bereft的意思

4. 丧失的:bereavement 死别 | bereft 丧失的 | bereft 失去亲人的

bereft 双语例句

1. A bereft Liu, looking pained and shocked walked back into the undercroft of the Bird's Nest stadium passing astonished Chinese volunteers and officials before sinking to the ground in front of the giant athletics backdrop.


2. Using Shanghai household survey data in 2005, our paper made the following conclusions about unobserved employment:(1) Unobserved employment rate is very high, and at least over 40% of registered unemployed or laid-off people actually hold jobs which bring them certain income.(2) Compared with the employed group, individuals who are middle-aged, lowly educated, married, divorced or bereft of his/her spouse are more likely to be engaged in unobserved employment, i. e. to conceal their employment status.(3) If we don't consider unobserved employed people as really unemployed, then the real unemployment-stricken groups are mostly women and people with a bad health status.(4) Viewing from employment status, unobserved employment people are more concentrated in the industries with low technology, such as social service industry, working in the private enterprises, taking business service as their profession, and more likely to be self-employed.(5)Compared with observed employment, unobserved employment has many irregularities, such as no formal labor contract, social insurances and no labor union.


3. bereft是什么意思

3. It was natural that, bereft and desperate as I was, in the throes of unremitting suffering, I should turn to God.



4. Although St Lucia trades on its relatively unsophisticated image, it is not bereft of celebrity glamour.


5. bereft

5. That just makes common sense… a common sense of which this site and those who run it and/or work for it seems bereft.



6. While China is a huge consumer of steel, it is largely bereft of quality iron-ore deposits, which is why several Chinese steelmakers are moving to secure their own supplies.


7. 5 Those hours that with gentle work did frame The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell Will play the tyrants to the very same, And that unfair which fairly doth excel: For never-resting time leads summer on To hideous winter and confounds him there, Sap checked with frost and lusty leaves quite gone, Beauty o'er-snowed and bareness every where: Then were not summer's distillation left A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass, Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft, Nor it nor no remembrance what it was.

五 那些时辰曾经用轻盈的细工织就这众目共注的可爱明眸,终有天对它摆出魔王的面孔,把绝代佳丽剁成龙锺的老丑:因为不舍昼夜的时光把盛夏带到狰狞的冬天去把它结果;生机被严霜窒息,绿叶又全下,白雪掩埋了美,满目是赤裸裸:那时候如果夏天尚未经提炼,让它凝成香露锁在玻璃瓶里,美和美的流泽将一起被截断,美,和美的记忆都无人再提起:但提炼过的花,纵和冬天抗衡


8. And in this wise, like a man bereft of reason, who sees strange visions and whose thoughts are light with wine, I came to Haines Mission by the sea.


9. Why should I be bereft of you both in one day?


10. If you are crying because you are bereft of one in whom you have invested a great deal of affection, it was not really affection.


11. Bereft of love or one's lover.



12. It is true that life is not all roses and every heart has its own sorrows, , among which being bereft of youth is a common one we must have.


13. As a person who had already been bereft of one`s mother in an early age, my mother was deeply depressed when he finally passed away.


14. The person that we feel right to those bereft of our spouse in shake calamity, attend even especially for single close father and mother of the child, suffer deeply in what pass bereft of one's spouse hind, need the life that returns to normal as soon as possible.


15. This emotion of man bereft of one's spouse portraiture: He has no way to move forward, can only stop coming and going in sorrowful memory of in situ, his missing to wife and inseparable, attract your logic with step-by-step make for of leading role truth of the matter, just anguish that can feel one kind of the vertebra heart.


16. He was bereft of all his hope.


17. bereft的解释

17. He was bereft of all hope.


18. That you are now bereft of reason.


19. bereft的意思

19. Death bereft him of his son..


20. He must have been bereft of his senses.


bereft 词典解释

1. 失去…的;丧失…的

If a person or thing is bereft of something, they no longer have it.

e.g. The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life.


bereft 单语例句

1. Scotland will face France in Paris next week bereft of striker Thierry Henry, the Barcelona attacker suspended after picking up a yellow card in Milan.

2. He began fashioning abstract forms, but gradually migrated over to more classical ones - bereft of their earlier cynicism.

3. But many will wonder why these increasingly informative sections remain bereft of basic data such as the number of personnel in each of the services.

4. Bereft of papers and passports, they were effectively stripped of their nationality.

5. The Cedars rooming house as bereft and nondescript as ever but where Max had first met Grace family.

6. When the children are eventually sent for, the grandparents are left feeling bereft and sometimes suicidal.

7. But quite a few see the job of urban management officer as a lowly calling, bereft of any honor.

8. The DPJ's current campaign platform has been described as long on vision but bereft of concrete plans.

9. The ministry spokesman described Rice as reckless, " bereft of any political logic " and someone Pyongyang could not deal with.

10. Yet, " Lost " has been exceptional precisely because its plots have been bereft of answers.

bereft 英英释义



1. sorrowful through loss or deprivation

e.g. bereft of hope

Synonym: bereavedgrief-strickengrievingmourning(a)sorrowing(a)

2. unhappy in love

suffering from unrequited love

Synonym: lovelornunbeloved