

miraculously:[英 [mɪ'rækjələslɪ] 美 [məˈrækjələslɪ] ]


miraculously 基本解释



miraculously 网络解释

1. 奇迹地:miraclemiraculouswondertheurgywonderwork 奇迹 | miraculously 奇迹地 | miraculouslystupendouslywhacking 惊人地

2. 奇迹般地,神奇的:miraculously 奇迹般地,神奇的 | antigen 抗原 | universal 宇宙的,全世界的;普遍的,通用的

3. miraculously

3. 奇迹般地:cabinet橱柜 | miraculously奇迹般地 | free from dust一尘不染

4. 奇迹般的:smash 碰碎,摔碎 | miraculously 奇迹般的 | unhurt 没有受伤的

miraculously 双语例句

1. miraculously什么意思

1. In certain countries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.


2. In some coutries, the online automobile market is speeding up miraculously, promising to make itself one of the hottest e-commerce sectors in the nearest future.


3. miraculously的翻译

3. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her five-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness


4. Aid the organized chaos on the stage of the State Opera House, another box of props miraculously makes its appearance


5. Tact switch, water gush miraculously from the walls of water as crystal clear full.


6. miraculously什么意思

6. When the Martians became depressed, everyone on the planet left the cities and went to their caves for a long time. They were stuck and couldn't come out, until one day when a Martian hap pened to glimpse the beautiful Venusians through his telescope. As he quickly shared his telescope, the sight of these beautiful beings inspired the Martians, and their Depression miraculously lifted.

当 火星人沮丧时,每个人都离开城市蛰伏到他们的洞穴里,他们陷在那里无法出来,直到有天有个火星人从他的望远镜里看见了美丽的金星人,他与其他火星人分享望远镜,镜中美丽的人鼓舞了火星人,他们的沮丧不可思议地消失了。

7. Thus, as Saleem notes, his miraculously timed birth ties him to the fate of the country.



8. I was not optimistic, according to the top of the Canadian Human Placenta 9 grams added served five, five days after the small X miraculously be able to sit up.


9. The unborn child was miraculously transferred from the womb of Devaki to the womb of Rohini, who had long been craving a child of her own.


10. He miraculously managed to do it and pulled it off by using the very same talents that made him a war profiteer - his flair for presentation, bribery, and grand gestures.



11. These in the rubble miraculously survive the people, is one of the most courageous!

这些在 废墟中奇迹地生存下来的人们,是最勇敢的!

12. miraculously的解释

12. Not for him the random excitement of general medicine or the delicate risky plumbing of the heart. he dealt mostly with broken limbs, sculpting casts and viewing x-rays, watching breaks slowly yet miraculously knit themselves back together.

他放弃了刺激比较少的普通内科,或是精细、高风险的心脏科,转而投身于医治断裂的四肢、塑造石膏模型、检视 x 光片、看着断处缓慢却奇迹般地愈合。

13. miraculously的翻译

13. According to another account, an Angel took the place of Moses, and thus enabled him to fly, his flight being facilitated by the circumstances that all the attendants of the king were miraculously rendered either dumb, deaf, or blind, so that they could not execute the behest of their master.


14. miraculously在线翻译

14. According to His plan, they miraculously heard the sound of God's army marching out before them from above the bushes, behind which the Philistines were waiting in ambush.


15. Was a film about film, the fanciful tale of a projectionist who miraculously finds himself as a detective inside the film he is showing.



16. After six years of terrible struggles, St. Isidore finally miraculously healed him of fornicating thoughts, fantasies and dreams brought about on him by demons.

在可怕的斗争的 6 年以后,圣 Isidore 奇迹般地最后愈合了他通奸想法,幻想和梦由魔鬼在他上引起了。

17. In another story a man was miraculously healed of blindness when praying to the recently Canonized Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.


18. miraculously的意思

18. Everything changes for Ashley and Jake when they meet at a swank masquerade party, share a kiss, and miraculously swap their luck.



19. Every mathematician worthy of the name has experienced … the state of lucid exaltation in which one thought succeeds another as if miraculously… this feeling may last for hours at a time, even for days.


20. And these words were, to me, as the notes of bells, the sounds of musical instruments, the noises of wind, sea and rain, the rattle of milk carts, the clopping of hooves on cobbles, the fingering of branches on a window pane, might be to someone deaf from birth, who has miraculously found his hearing.

这些话,对我来说,作为债券的编钟,声音的乐器,发出的噪音风,海雨,手摇铃,牛奶推车,clopping的蹄对cobbles ,指法的分支机构的一个窗口窗格中,可能是有人置若罔闻,从出生起,他已奇迹般地发现他的听力。

miraculously 单语例句miraculously

1. Champagne is particularly handy in this situation - the delicate bubbles have the desired effect of making sore heads miraculously disappear.

2. A Beijing man who was in a coma for 13 years miraculously regained consciousness recently, thanks to his wife's undying efforts to nurse him.

3. They always had this sanitized connotation as if blood could be squirted on them but they could miraculously come clean in a second.

4. Colleagues describe him as " miraculously dedicated, " according to Xinhua.

5. Miraculously Sansan survived, but lost any feeling from the pelvis to hind legs.

6. The doctor asked Liu to inhale the smoke, which miraculously cured him.

7. I thought I really did have a solution to the English learning problem, and that the kids would be miraculously able to instantly understand everything I said.

8. But it miraculously missed puncturing any of his arteries or internal organs.

9. Two people were miraculously rescued Friday morning after being buried for 54 hours after a landslide in northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

10. Some survivors are recovered after 160 hours of burial and are miraculously still alive.

miraculously 英英释义


1. in a miraculous manner

e.g. my hand grasped the gun that was, miraculously, lying on the ground beside my finger tips