




1.经济(Economical) ( U7 )认知所 CS ( D5 )经济系 ECON ( U5 )经济所 ECON ...

4.经济小窝 ... 教育论坛 education 经济小窝 Econ 资意徜徉 ndhuim ...

5.经济学系 统计学系 RMSC/2 经济学系 ECON/2 政治与行政学系 GPAD/2 ...

6.经济处领事处(CON):   国土安全部(DHS)   经济处(ECON)   环境科技处(ESTH)   联邦航空管理局 (FAA)   农业处(FAO)   商务处 (FCS)   ...

7.经济和货币事务委员会 ( D5 )经济系 ECON ( U5 )经济所 ECON ( U3 )教育所 EDU ...


1.The sciences are trying to break out of this, to some extent, but econ is a long ways from doing that.科学家们正在尝试着打破这一规则,但在某种程度上,这对于经济学而言还有很长的路要走。

2.We've been talking about him in econ.我们在经济课上谈到过他

3.They don't carry a passport. Anything you do to help the global econ - the global environment, helps the globe and all of us.他们不用带护照(就可以到世界的每个角落)你对全球经济,全球环境所做的每一件事,都会帮助这个世界以及我们所有人。

4.Perhaps it was in Econ 101 that he learned the term 'opportunity cost, ' because his time at Stanford was not long.伍兹或许是在学习“经济101”时认识了“机会成本”这一术语,因为他在斯坦福呆的时间并不长。

5.Many Europeans and Americans, driven by econ-omic self-interest, will prefer to engage rather than confront Russia and China.由于自身经济利益的推动,许多欧洲人与美国人更愿意与俄罗斯和中国保持接触,而不是进行对抗。

6.When you use Econ 101 management, you're encouraging developers to game the system.当你运用经济101管理,就是在鼓励开发人员耍弄系统。

7.I though my president , "the one" I voted for was looking pke a school boy getting schooled in econ 101.我觉得我选的那个总统……看上去就像在“经济学101”(基础班)被人教育了一顿的学生。

8.They all take the same introductory courses: statistics, accounting, Econ 101.他们上的入门课都一样:统计学,会计,经济101。

9.Buy the insure'ance: My goal is to reach econ'omy free'dom. The in'com'e of my invest'ment will reach 10, 000 yuan ev'ery month.购买保险:我的目标是达到经济自由,即每月由投资产生的收入达到1万元。

10.In acknowledging this concern, economists have still predicted a 7% growth rate in trade volume and 3. 5% growth for the world econ.意识到这种忧患,经济学家仍然预计了7%的贸易量增长和3.5%的世界经济增长。