



美式发音: [ˈpɑstʃər] 英式发音: [ˈpɒstʃə(r)]




复数:postures  现在分词:posturing  过去式:postured  同义词



n.1.姿势,姿态;态度2.形势,情形 (of)3.精神准备;心情,心境


n.1.the position that your body is in when you sit, stand, or walk2.an attitude, or the way that someone behaves toward other people

v.1.to do things only because you want people to notice you, admire you, or be afraid of you

1.姿势 observe 观察 postures 姿势,态度 unideal 非理想的 ...

3.姿态 ... Wide Sargasso Sea 梦回藻海 Postures 姿态 After Leaving Mr.Mackenzie 离开麦肯齐先生以后 ...

4.体位法 呼吸法( Pranayama) 体位法( Postures) 冥想法( Meditation) ...

5.姿势形态 • 瑜珈研习( Workshops) • 瑜珈体式学习( Postures) • 瑜珈教学法( Teaching Methodology) ...


1.With images of the fighting spreading around the globe, the U. S. found itself lagging behind the more aggressive postures taken by Europe.当利比亚国内的战斗画面传播于全世界之际,美国发现自己已经落后于更激进的欧洲。

2.His approach was almost free-form: he made us hold poses for a long time but taught no inversions and few classical postures.他采用一种自由教学法:只让我们长时间保持几种简单姿势,既不教倒立也很少教瑜伽中的经典姿势。

3.Cultivate an ever-continuous power of observation. Wherever you are, be always ready to make spght notes of postures, groups and incidents.要培养一种持续性的观察能力,不管在什么地方,都要经常有意识的留意人的动作、人群、和事物的细微变化。

4.They could not speak or move, looking at her with their same postures and same expressions and same angles and keeping silent all day along.他们不会说话也不会动,整日价用同样的姿势同样的眼神同样的角度瞪视她保持深沉的缄默。

5.This time also allows you to feel the effects of the back bends more clearly and absorb the after-taste of these postures.在这段时间里,你可以可以去感受后弯让意识更加清晰,并且回味这些体式。

6.Postures, head handle everything to do 100 points, even if it made further small, low, do not do too much, not grandiose.放下身段,把手头上的每一件事情做到100分,哪怕所作的事情再小、在低微,不要贪多,更不要贪大。

7.The general functions of the cerebellum are to produce smooth coordinated movements , maintain equipbrium , and sustain normal postures.小脑的基本技能是使人保持平衡协调的动作,保持平衡和正常的姿势。

8.Richard Freeman gracefully introduces and demonstrates the basic postures and movements which are at the heart of the Vinyasa technique.理查德弗里曼优雅地介绍和演示了基本的姿势和运动,在串联技术的核心。

9.Natural body postures are not always flattering when preserved in a photograph. Be careful of big head tilts and "broken necks" .自然的身体姿态不会永远在照片上讨巧的。拍照的时候特别要注意不要大头照和“折断脖子”。

10.They must sit all day on their bed, with rules dictating even their postures, and may not look their guards in the eye.他们必须整天坐在床上,甚至坐姿也受到管制,而且不得直视警卫。