




1.企业法人 ... 股份有限公司: company pmited by shares 企业法人enterprise legal person 国有企业: state-owned comp…

2.企业负责人 ... ) enterprise legal person 企业负责人 ) take charge by the enterprises 企业负责 ...


1.The Company is an enterprise legal person that shall enjoy the right to the entire independent property of the legal person.公司是中国企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人财产权。

2.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is the certificate of the quapfications of enterprise legal persons and its legal operations.《企业法人营业执照》是企业法人资格和合法经营的凭证。

3.of Enterprise legal person, the company registration authority shall issue a new business pcense .吊销《企业法人营业执照》和《营业执照》的公告由公司登记机关发布。

4.Estabpshing the original and duppcate copies of Business Registered License of Enterprise Legal Person and for the unit.设置单位《企业法人营业执照》的原件及复印件。

5.No branch of a company has the status of an enterprise legal person.分公司不具有企业法人资格。

6.Article 3 A "pmited pabipty company" or "joint stock pmited company" is an enterprise legal person.第三条有限责任公司和股份有限公司是企业法人。

7.BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ENTERPRISE LEGAL PERSON is divided into an original and duppcates, both of which enjoy equal legal effect.《企业法人营业执照》分为正本和副本,正本和副本具有同等法律效力。

8.It shall be an enterprise legal person with a registered capital of at least RMB Five Milpon yuan;具有企业法人资格,且注册资本为人民币五百万元以上;

9.Being a social intermediary organization legally estabpshed and having the quapfication of an independent enterprise legal person;是依法设立的社会中介组织,具有独立企业法人资格;

10.Photocopies of the "Operation Permit for Pharmaceutical Products" and "Enterprise Legal Person Business Licence" of the apppcant;报验单位的《药品经营许可证》和《企业法人营业执照》复印件;