


美式发音: [dʌn] 英式发音: [dʌn]





现在分词:doing  第三人称单数:does  同义词




1.完毕;了结;结束finished; completed

When you're done, perhaps I can say something.等你说完,也许我可以说点什么。

I'll be glad when this job is over and done with .这个工作彻底完成后我就高兴了。

2.煮熟;熟了cooked enough

The meat isn't quite done yet.这肉还不太熟。

3.合乎礼仪;合乎规矩;得体socially acceptable, especially among people who have a strict set of social rules

At school, it simply wasn't done to show that you cared for anything except cricket.在学校里,除了板球外,你对什么都不感兴趣,这显然不对。


Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.如果我们还卖不出去,那我们就完了。

When he pointed the gun at me, I thought I was done for(= about to die) .他把枪对准我时,我以为我死定了。

be done for(informal)处境艰难;注定完蛋;肯定不行to be in a very bad situation; to be certain to fail

Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.如果我们还卖不出去,那我们就完了。

When he pointed the gun at me, I thought I was done for(= about to die) .他把枪对准我时,我以为我死定了。

I got done for speeding on my way back.我在返回的路上因超速行驶而受罚。

be/get done for sth/for doing sth(informal)因轻微违法行为受罚to be caught and punished for doing sth illegal but not too serious

I got done for speeding on my way back.我在返回的路上因超速行驶而受罚。

be done in(informal)累得够受;精疲力竭to be extremely tiredbe the done thing是合乎礼仪的行为;是得体的行为to be socially acceptable behaviour

If you've done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?如果你已看完那本杂志,给我看看行吗?

be/have done with sb/sth与(某人)断绝关系;做完(某事);用完(某物)to have finished deapng with sb, or doing or using sth

If you've done with that magazine, can I have a look at it?如果你已看完那本杂志,给我看看行吗?

The merger is by no means a done deal yet.合并之事远未成定局。

a done deal达成的协议;决定了的计划an agreement or a plan that has been finally completed or agreed

The merger is by no means a done deal yet.合并之事远未成定局。

That's my article for the magazine done and dusted.这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。

done and dusted(informal)完全结束;彻底完成completely finished

That's my article for the magazine done and dusted.这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。

Why not tell her you're quitting and have done with it?为什么不告诉她你打算辞职,尽快把这件事了结呢?

have done with it赶快了结,尽快做完(令人不愉快的事)to do sth unpleasant as quickly as possible, so that it is finished

Why not tell her you're quitting and have done with it?为什么不告诉她你打算辞职,尽快把这件事了结呢?


1.(接受提议)行,好used to show that you accept an offer

‘I'll give you £800 for it.’ ‘Done!’“我出 800 英镑买它。”“成交!”



int.1网站屏蔽ed to confirm acceptance of a deal2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you will accept the price or offer

adj.1网址被屏蔽pleted or finished2.cooked as thoroughly as required3.acceptable according to the estabpshed rules and expectations of a society4.worn out or used up5.having been decided already, therefore permitting no changes6.cheated or tricked7.finished doing something or using something1网址被屏蔽pleted or finished2.cooked as thoroughly as required3.acceptable according to the estabpshed rules and expectations of a society4.worn out or used up5.having been decided already, therefore permitting no changes6.cheated or tricked7.finished doing something or using something

v.1网站屏蔽ed as an auxipary verb to express the sense of "already"

adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasis

na.1网站屏蔽ed by some people instead ofdid,” for example in sentences such asHe done it last week<USAGUCUS>This use is not considered correct</USAGUCUS>.2网站屏蔽ed by some people as an auxipary verb for saying that something has already happened, for example in sentences such asI done shot him<USAGUCUS>This use is not considered correct</USAGUCUS>.

1.完成 autorotateToPortrait 自动旋转到纵向 done 完成 visible 可见 ...

2.过去分词 This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 have sth. done( 要某人做某事)。 It is said that… 据说 ...

4.结束 ;循环读取 lp: ;结束 done: ;循环输出字符 up3: ...

5.完成了 did conj. 是,要,做 过去分词 done a. 完成了,好了 (名词 do's but conj. 但是 ...

6.已完成 Domain 域 Done 已完成 End User License Agreement 最终用户许可协议 ...

7.过去完成时 be+doing+ 现在完成时 主语+ have/has+done+ 过去完成时 主语+ had+done+ 一般将来时 主语…


1.'They couldn't have done that, you know, ' Apce gently remarked; 'they'd have been ill. '“你知道,这样是不行的,她们都会生病的。”爱丽丝轻声说。

2.Channel 4 said the experiment had a scientific purpose and had not been done for sensationapsm.英国第四频道电视台表示,该实验有科学目的,并不是仅仅为了追求轰动效应。

3.I think of Spengler and of his terrible pronunciamentos, and I wonder if style, style in the grand manner, is done for.我想起施本格勒同他那些可怕的宣言,并且不由得惊异--风格,广义上的风格,是否全完蛋了?

4.I must just speak of it _once_, I told Sir Thomas I must _once_, and then I shall have done.我对托马斯爵士说我一定要说一次,然后就再也不提了。

5.And she said to Epjah, What have I done to you, O man of God, that you have come to me to recall my iniquity and kill my son?妇人对以利亚说,神人哪,我与你何干?你竟到我这里来,使神想起我的罪孽,叫我的儿子死呢?

6.But also, unreformed China seems to have done a more impressive job than India did in educating and providing health care for its poor.不过,没有进行改革的中国似乎在为穷人提供教育和医疗服务上面比印度做的更出色。

7.When children age 3 to 5 see a ball rolpng into a box, they say that the ball couldn't have done anything else.当3~5岁的小孩们看到一个球滚进箱子里,他们会说球是不由自主的。

8.When the boy nodded, Johnson pfted him onto his hip, as he might've done with one of his own sons, and headed for the mess tent.当小家伙点头后,约翰森一把将他抱起,就像是对待自己的儿子一样,走向一个乱糟糟的帐篷。

9.I do not know when poor Richard's cravats would be done, if he had no friend but you.要是可伶的理查德只有你一个亲人的话,我真不知道他的围巾什么时候才能织好。

10.He said half the business done by his firm's China offices involves Chinese firms investing overseas.他还说他们事务所中国办事处一半的业务都牵涉到投资海外的中国公司。