

smug:[英 [smʌg] 美 [smʌɡ] ]


smug 基本解释


形容词自鸣得意的; 自以为是的; 整洁的; 体面的

名词自命不凡的人,沾沾自喜的人; 书呆子

smug 相关例句


1. You've got nothing to be smug about.


smug 网络解释

1. 自以为是的:primp 打扮 | smug 自以为是的, | smuggle 走私

2. 自满的:smear涂抹掩饰v | smug自满的 | smuggle走私的

3. 暗自开心,洋洋得意:#55 Tell 快点告诉我. | #56 Smug 暗自开心,洋洋得意. | #57 Callme 打电话给我.

4. 沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的:overweening 傲慢的,自负的,过分的 | smug 沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的 | be synonymous with 暗示的,与相联系的

smug 双语例句

1. That means I have to compete with Shamu and his smug little grin.


2. smug

2. Presently, all we can do is look at smug shots and stick our fingers in the dam.


3. She has that smug look everytime she talks about her son.



4. Look how smug he's looking.


5. I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.


6. He is a smug gay, no one likes him.


7. Now I have such a smug feeling.


8. In this respect, Japan seems to be a smug and pathetic country.


9. smug是什么意思

9. I am not afraid of you. I've already survived you onceyou smug son-of-a-bitch.


10. I had been young, healthy, and smug.


11. smug的近义词

11. It is enough to make a lesser nation smug – and there is certainly no shortage of smugness these days in China.


12. With 3 mu of land n'an ox, my life's so secure and smug; / With my better half n'kids, myhome's so sweet and snug.


13. With 3 mu of land n'an ox, my life's so secure and smug; / With my better half n'kids, my home's so sweet and snug.

分析:译文朗朗上口,意境优美,美中不足的是 smug 一词极富贬义,词彩欠当。

14. Thus the law of supply and demand of labor is kept in the right rut, the oscillation of wages is penned within limits satisfactory to capitalist exploitation, and lastly, the social dependence of the laborer on the capitalist, that indispensable requisite, is secured; an unmistakable relation of dependence, which the smug political economist, at home, in the mother-country, can transmogrify into one of free contract between buyer and seller, between equally independent owners of commodities, the owner of the commodity capital and the owner of the commodity labor.


15. smug

15. Those baby-faced people now have another reason to be smug: a new Danish study says looking young apparently means a longer life.


16. Which is why when people ask me now whether I miss writing, I just smile and feel smug.


17. smug

17. Marsh was also entirely capable of cruel satire, as he showed when he painted patrons of the opera preening in furs and jewels during the bitter winter of 1936; his smug debutantes and dowagers and their escorts are far less sympathetically portrayed than the blowziest strippers or fattest bathers in his burlesque and Coney Island paintings.


18. smug

18. I began to feel smug, thought: simple zongzi is not wise at me.



19. I have a smug smile


20. The most important part at this stage was making his smile smug enough – since the character has no movement, except for the action line of the pole, his expression had to do the trick!


smug 词典解释

1. 沾沾自喜的;自鸣得意的;洋洋自得的

If you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are.

e.g. Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction.



The Major smiled smugly and sat down.


He had the smugness that many lawyers show.


...a trace of smugness in his voice.

他的声音中透出的一丝得意smug 单语例句smug

1. With national and personal wealth ramping up, there even grows a smug disposition among people.

2. In being smug and ideologically against China, the host of Peking Duck has discredited himself as an unbiased and objective writer.

3. China's protection and preservation record is poor, but that is no reason for other countries to feel smug.

4. If such " smug calculations " with ulterior motives are pressed ahead, they would certainly run onto the ground on their own.

5. Many luxury brands cannot help feel enraptured and smug over their operating results, but many of them are not noticing the potential crisis hidden behind the brilliant performances.

smug 英英释义


1. marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction

e.g. a smug glow of self-congratulation

Synonym: self-satisfied