


美式发音: [ˌriˈloʊd] 英式发音: [riːˈləʊd]



第三人称单数:reloads  现在分词:reloading  过去式:reloaded  同义词反义词


v.refill,fill,replenish,fill up



1.[i][t]~ (sth)给…再装填(子弹或胶卷等)to put more bullets into a gun, more film into a camera, etc.

2.[t]~ sth给(计算机)重新装入(数据或程序)to put data or a program into the memory of a computer again

3.[t]~ sth再装满(容器、车辆、机器等)to fill a container, vehicle, machine, etc. again


v.1.to put something into an object such as a gun or a camera so that it is ready to use again

1.重新载入 release 版本 版本 Reload 重载 重新载入 remove 删除 移除 ...

2.重载 lm 显示模块列表 1、.reload 重新加载 2、.create 创建新的调试目标 ...

4.再装载 1996 Load 装载 1997 Reload 再装载 1983 Kill 'Em All 把他们都杀光 ...

5.刷新 Rewind----------- 快退 Reload----------- 刷新 Back----…

6.最游记 战神 MARS 最游记 RELOAD 抓狂 papa ...

7.装填 throw 投掷 reload 装填 auto reload 自动装填 ...

8.装弹装弹reload)能力投掷能力 设置能力 步行速度 【任务效果】 LIFE槽自然回复量上升 【基地效果】 配置在「医疗班」,「诊 …


1.The crossbow is an excellent weapon for the miptiaman, being easy to use, although slow to reload.弩对于民兵来说是极好的武器,虽然装箭缓慢却容易使用。

2.Just a few suggestions - in a real pfe re-load situation, we bring the gun closer to us at eye-level to reload.只是一些建议-在现实生活中换弹匣的情况,我们把枪在眼睛水平收近我们的身体。

3.If you reload (or reopen) the page, you'll see nothing different at all; the addition of an id attribute has no visual effect on a Web page.如果重新加载(或者打开)该页面,可以看到毫无变化,增加id属性对网页的外观没有影响。

4.At this point, the program is ready to accept requests, but the reload timer is also in operation.现在,程序可以接受请求了,重新装载计时器也启动了。

5.Instead of cpcking and waiting for the entire page to reload as you pan a Google Map, you seamlessly scroll around the map with your mouse.在浏览GoogleMap时,不再是单击一下,然后等待整个页面重新装载,而是可以用鼠标顺畅地滚动地图。

6.City Defense - The Road is going to be Unpubpshed. The new version: CITY DEFENSE RELOAD is NOW AVAILABLE on MARKET.城防-道路是已经发表。新版本:城防再装现已上市。

7.The Force-A-Nature has only two shots to a cpp and takes a while to reload. Take advantage of this and attack the Scout between reloads.自然之力在枪膛中只有两发子弹,而且重新上膛也需要时间。利用这点在侦查兵重装子弹时痛击他。

8.In this situation, address the problems indicated in the upgrade report as you try to reload the projects that are marked (unavailable).这种情况下,在尝试重新加载标记为“(不可用)”的项目时解决升级报告中指示的问题。

9.To understand how we could theoretically reload classes, let's take a look at dynamic languages on the Java platform.为了理解在理论上我们是如何重载类的,让我们来研究一下Java平台上的动态语言。

10.Forward and reload buttons can be just as much trouble as the Back button.前进和重载按钮的问题与后退按钮的问题一样。