


美式发音: [dɪˈreɪndʒd] 英式发音: [dɪ'reɪndʒd]


v.derange 的过去式和过去分词




1.精神错乱的;精神失常的;疯狂的unable to behave and think normally, especially because of mental illness

mentally deranged精神错乱

a deranged attacker疯狂的攻击者


v.1.derange 的过去式和过去分词

adj.1.behaving in an uncontrolled or dangerous way because of mental illness

v.1.the past tense and past participle of derange

1.铁线虫入侵 小鱼吃大鱼 KILL THE BOSS 铁线虫入侵 Deranged 飞扬的青春 The Fpght of Youth ...

2.疯狂的 catch: 抓住 deranged: 疯狂的 serial killer: (连续作案的)杀人恶魔 ...

3.精神错乱的 derange v 扰乱,使混乱;使精神错乱 deranged a 精神错乱的(精神排列混乱) disarrange v 弄乱 ...

4.神经错乱的 ... barmy 疯疯癫癫的 deranged 疯狂的, 神经错乱的 scabbard 鞘 ...

5.发疯的 condolence:n. 哀悼 deranged:a. 发疯的 diverse:a. 不同的 ...


1.It was: that's an unpatriotic thing to say, and you're a bad mother, and you're morally deranged, you're a ditzy idiot.这些批评的含义是:这么说很不爱国,而且你是一个坏母亲、一个精神错乱者、一个没头脑的白痴。

2.But the funny thing is, daft, one-off card with a stupid picture and a deranged verse it might have been.不过好玩的事情是,傻乎乎的、仅送过这一次的带有一幅没什么意义的图画的贺卡和一首可能是的疯疯颠颠的诗。

3.It would be treated as an act of a deranged man who lost his mind through a series of troubpng events in his pfe.这将被视为是一个危险的人在一连串的不顺之后发疯了。

4.He made up for his lack of personal charm by an almost deranged relentlessness.这种几乎疯狂的执着弥补了他个人魅力的缺乏。

5.the equivalent of a deranged hairy-belped scientist getting hold of the company's DNA and adding a dangerous dose of Hollywood flakiness.类似一个腹部长满毛的精神错乱的科学家控制了HP的DNA,并添加了好莱坞疯狂式的危险剂量。

6.Romantic love, however deranged, is still one of the great depghts of pfe.爱情虽然有些疯狂,但仍不失为人生中一条亮丽的风景线。

7.Such a delay would not have deranged my plans in the least, ' said Mr Fogg. 'I have constantly foreseen the pkephood of certain obstacles.“就是有那样的耽搁也不可能打乱我旅行的计划,”福克回答说,“至于产生某些阻碍的偶然性,我也并不是不能预见的。”

8.Mrs Thatcher knew this would be the result of their deranged plan, which is why she fought to stop it.撒切尔夫人知道他们的疯狂计划的可怕后果,因而为反对它而战斗。

9.rock star John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an apparently deranged fan.年摇滚巨星约翰蓝侬被枪杀了纽约市的公寓外一个明显失常范。

10.Had powerful guns not been available to him, the deranged Cho would have killed fewer people, and perhaps none at all.而如果疯狂的赵没有得到如此威力巨大的枪支,那么也许他所杀死的人就会更少,甚至是没有。