

exact:[英 [ɪgˈzækt] 美 [ɪɡˈzækt] ]


过去式:exacted;   过去分词:exacted;   现在分词:exacting;

exact 基本解释

形容词准确的; 严密的; 精密的,精确的

及物动词要求; 苛求; 迫使; 强求

exact 同义词



exact 反义词


exact 相关例句



1. The exact date of the event has escaped me.


2. It was difficult to tell her exact age.



1. exact是什么意思

1. It is impracticable for some parents to exact obedience of their children.


2. exact的意思

2. He exacted obedience from the children.


3. exact是什么意思

3. The kidnappers exacted ransoms for their hostages.


exact 网络解释

1. 正确的:重新烹饪一番.在命令列(commandline)上执行gcc时,只要在它的屁股後面加上-On的选项,就能让gcc乖乖的替你生出最佳化後的机器码(outputcode).这里的n是一个可有可无的小整数.不同的gcc版本,n的意义与其正确的(exact)功效都不一样;不过,

2. 准确:空亡指月亮与某行星成准确(exact)主相位后,一直到离开该星座前,没有与任何行星再有主相位的交角. 月入空亡意指问卜者无法对该问题施力,或有可能根本没有事情会发生. 问占者的象徵宫位是第一宫,

exact 双语例句

1. At present, the method for calculating the tube wall temperature in a furnace chamber is not exact.


2. I don`t know the exact date.


3. We don't know the exact reason.


4. It's not the man who gets the exact point in dispute, but he who shows his patience and good temper.


5. Exact assessment of the damage caused by mountain torrents, which is one of catastrophic components of the earth surface system, is a foundation for disaster reduction and prevention.


6. exact的反义词

6. Several methods for measuring the lysing cycle and burst size of the cyanophage were tested. It was established that cell counting method was more convenient and exact for confirming the lysing cycle.


7. As to the problem of service matching, this paper provides non-exact service matching algorithm based on the semantic distance, which is realized by introducing the definition of semantic distance on the basis of traditional matching algorithm, modifies CSCM semantic distance algorithm to some extent aiming at service description of SCSD platform and gives out the realization of this algorithm on SCSD platform.


8. When shall we have the exact date of next season?


9. It is not an exact recipe and you can warm the oil slightly before mixing it with the coffee grounds.


10. Conversely the immediate aim of criminal legislation cannot be any of the things which are usually mentioned as justifying punishment: for until it is settled what conduct is to be legally denounced and discouraged we have not settled from what we are to deter people, or who are to be considered criminals from whom we are to exact retribution, or on whom we are to wreak vengeance, or whom we are to reform.

相反,刑事立法的直接目的不可能是通常所提到的证明惩罚之正当性的任何东西:因为只有确定了什么行为应受法律谴责与遏制,我们才能确定我们要遏制人们实施什么样的行为,应把什么人视为我们使之遭到报应的罪犯,对什么人施以报复或[MSOffice9] 对什么人进行改造。

11. C onversely the immediate aim of criminal legislation cannot be any of the things which are usually mentioned as justifying punishment: for until it is settled what conduct is to be legally denounced and discouraged we have not settled from what we are to deter people, or who are to be considered criminals from whom we are to exact retribution, or on whom we are to wreak vengeance, or whom we are to reform.


12. To be more exact, s tar t business in big way.


13. When can we talk some exact business


14. Mr Harmsworth's exact words were business is very bad.

题目表示该轮到你了选项C:你是下一个 2。

15. At present I had done a thing only, assure oneself life namely, look for exact scope to do bigger business next....


16. exact的近义词

16. Timely and exact analysis on business enterprises finance failure is objective request of market competition system and necessary guarantee of enterprise subsistence.


17. Sometimes, our operators can even remember an exact parts have business card printing and membership card, Mr commented that Krebs.



18. Each daughter cell must receive an exact copy of each and every chromosome.


19. The answer to the question of why some people are able to effectively release mercury and/or show absolutely no manifestations of mercury toxicity despite having lived in the same exact environments and had the same level of exposure to metals while others are severely affected with serious clinical manifestations, is not as difficult to answer as one would initially believe when the multiple variables are considered, which include the type of exposure, biological individuality and genetic predisposition.


20. The exact position of the attachment of the xyloglucan to the pectic polysaccharide remains to be determined.


exact 词典解释

1. 精确的;正确的;确切的

Exact means correct in every detail. For example, an exact copy is the same in every detail as the thing it is copied from.

e.g. I don't remember the exact words...


e.g. The exact number of protest calls has not been revealed...



Try to locate exactly where the smells are entering the room...


The system worked perfectly, exactly as his training and plans had led him to expect...


What exactly goes wrong with those suffering from senile dementia?...


Both drugs will be exactly the same...


Barton couldn't remember exactly.


2. (用于名词前表强调)刚好的,确切的

You use exact before a noun to emphasize that you are referring to that particular thing and no other, especially something that has a particular significance.


e.g. I hadn't really thought about it until this exact moment...


e.g. Do you really think I could get the exact thing I want?...



These are exactly the people who do not vote...


He knew exactly what he was doing.


3. 一丝不苟的;严谨的

If you describe someone as exact, you mean that they are very careful and detailed in their work, thinking, or methods.

e.g. Formal, exact and obstinate, he was also cold, suspicious, touchy and tactless.


4. 强求;勒索;强迫

When someone exacts something, they demand and obtain it from another person, especially because they are in a superior or more powerful position.

e.g. Already he has exacted a written apology from the chairman of the commission...


e.g. They, too, would be likely to exact a high price for their cooperation.


5. 实施,施加(报复)

If someone exacts revenge on a person, they have their revenge on them.


e.g. She uses the media to help her exact a terrible revenge.


6. 对…有害;使…付出代价

If something exacts a high price, it has a bad effect on a person or situation.

e.g. The sheer physical effort had exacted a heavy price...


e.g. The strain of a violent ground campaign will exact a toll on troops.


7. see also: exactly

8. 确切地说;精确地说

You say to be exact to indicate that you are slightly correcting or giving more detailed information about what you have been saying.

e.g. A small number — five, to be exact—have been bad...


e.g. I consider myself to be a liberal democrat, or to be more exact, a democratic liberal.


exact 单语例句

1. The bank's founders need to determine the exact business scope and operation model for it to survive the intensive competition in the domestic financial market.

2. Rankin said the exact mechanism by which obesity would contribute to birth defects isn't known, but the researchers have several theories.

3. The exact casualty is under investigation and the death toll is highly possible to increase, an official with the rescue headquarters told Xinhua by telephone.

4. The exact cause of the girls'deaths is still under investigation, but the temperature in Jingzhou city reached 31 C on Tuesday.

5. The statement said it had identified 197 cases of illegal capital inflow, but it gave no exact sum for the cases.

6. The exact number of passengers was unclear because ferries do not carry passenger lists and many people buy tickets when on board.

7. It is somewhat difficult to find the market's exact address, as some vendors just gather in the street and do business there casually.

8. Because Kenny G does not improvise much, his music largely falls outside the exact categorization of jazz.

9. The local maritime affairs department is currently investigating the exact cause of the accident.

10. This is not the exact centerline for the triangle pattern, but it is an important reference point.

exact 英英释义


1. take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs

e.g. the accident claimed three lives

The hard work took its toll on her

Synonym: claimtake

2. claim as due or just

e.g. The bank demanded payment of the loan

Synonym: demand


1. (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth

strictly correct

e.g. a precise image

a precise measurement

Synonym: accurateprecise

2. marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact

e.g. an exact mind

an exact copy

hit the exact center of the target